Cameron still didn't look convinced. Walking over to me, he cupped his hand on my shoulder, throwing me an affectionate look. He spoke softly but his eyes were hard. "Be careful, Maddie. Travis is a lot like what we left behind."

I swallowed. Travis had yet to show a temperament but his close connection to violence was enough to put me on high alert. I tended to lean towards guys that were aggressive, dark and angry because that was what I hid on in the inside—a broken soul. I got a kick out of the possessive tantrums they'd throw because during that part of my life, it made me feel wanted. But it wasn't healthy, and I knew I had to break that pattern.

More than that, I've suffered at the hands of physical abuse; battered, bruised and almost broken bones if Cameron hadn't intercepted. Seeing all that violence last night brought it all back, and I knew Cameron was worried about the triggers I had that could set me off to fall back into my destructive behaviour.

I sucked in a shaky breath. "I can take care of myself."


I'd just finished getting ready to grab some lunch with Scarlett when she waltzed into my bedroom, looking pretty in a bright, white sundress that made the colour of her hair pop, paired with wedged sandals. My cell phone rang, Travis' name lighting up the screen.

I waved at Scarlett as she plopped onto my bed, while pressing the phone to my ear. "Hey, Travis," I answered, silently wondering what he could need. It'd only been a few hours since he dropped me off. Scarlett seemed to have the same idea as she arched an eyebrow after discovering who I was talking to.

"I already put out last night. Give a girl some time to recover," I teased.

His raspy chuckle had my toes curling. "Still feeling it, huh?" My cheeks flushed and I was glad he couldn't see me. "I guess I'm that good."

My eyes narrowed. "Anyone ever tell you that you have a big head?"

"I have two big heads, actually. The other one is a lot more fun."

I choked out a laugh, wrinkling my nose, "Gross, Trav."

"Not what you were saying last night." There was a slight smugness behind the amusement.

"You're terrible!" I reprimanded him but I was smiling. "Now tell me why you called."

Still laughing, he said, "You're my lucky charm."

The smile fleeing my features, I struggled to swallow. A warmth spread over me like champagne as his words oddly touched me. "What are you talking about?"

"At the fight last night, there was a contractor in attendance with links to the UFC. Got a call not long after you left and said he's interested in taking me on."

"UFC? Isn't that illegal?"

"Only in four or five states—none of which are Indiana. Do you know what this means, Maddie? I could make this a full-time job. A dream I've had since I was a little kid."

My heart squeezed at hearing how excited he sounded, but slowly, I was becoming aware of how I was learning small tidbits about Travis.

Travis cleared his throat, sensing my silence. "Thanks to you."

My eyes fell on Scarlett, who was watching me warily. "That has nothing to do with me, Trav. You're talented and I'm sure the contractor saw that—this was all you."

"No way," Travis argued, "the first time you show up and coincidentally so did he. What are the odds in that?" I opened my mouth to disagree but he bolstered on, "You're coming to all my fights from now on. No question about it."

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