2. King of shadows

Start from the beginning

(She looked graceful and beautiful she made it the the golden weapon once she has a hold of them the wind had stopped and gathered in one place in the sky for me an Air Dragon it's Last Air at her but she's back flip away from her spot the ninja's run as Y/n fallowed from behind as Cole was beside her soon there all in the woods celebrating their victory gathering for golden weapons Cole bangs on the bongos Jay and Kai dance as Zane, Wu and Y/n sit and watch the 2 dance)

Kai: Come on Sensei join us

Wu: There is still one weapon left we must get our sleep

Jay: *groan* Sensei look you got to admit were kicking they're bony butts

Kai: Get up here show us some move's

Wu: I guess I could now *stood up* this move is very special

Zane: But it's done incorrectly will it lead to disasters consequences? *Cole, Jay and Kai laugh*

Kai: Zane was that a joke? Your sense of humor you found it *Cole begins to play the bongos*

Wu: Shake what's your mama gave you *grab a hold of his beard* yeah, look at this one now, yeah woohoo, spin around oh yeah point my feet *the group burst into laughter are the three continue to dance*

(Soon night had fallen Y/n was then woken by a twig snap see look's around to see no one but the bush moved before she can make a sound her mouth was being covered by a piece of cloth as she was being hold)

Kruncha: Hold her still

Nuckal: I am, I am

Samukai: Both of you hold her

(Before they got to tie her leg's she kicked some dirt at Zane and Jay to wake them up which it worked)

Zane: Hey

Jay: What the- *gasp*

(Zane and Jay see that there were surrounded by the skeletons and Y/n tied up soon they were soon Cole begins to wake he see a pair of skeleton seats in front of him he reached for his scythe but it was gone then he see's Zane and Jay tied up together as Y/n was tied up and lean against a tree)

Samukai: I believe these belong to Lord Garmadon now *the skeletons all cheered they soon tied up Cole with Zane and Jay*

Jay: Let us go!

Samukai: Hang them up

Kruncha, Nuckal: Yes Samukai! *they throw the end of the rope over a branch and pull the boys up as the boys try to break free*

Samukai: To the fire temple!

Skeleton's: Yeah!

(Soon a shadowy figure appears on the tire it was so familiar Y/n begins to look a bit aggressive which confuse the boys as she's always calm)

Garmadon: My brother has taken the Sword of Fire to the underworld, hurry! Return home reunite the weapons before it's too late and bring the girl to *disappear*

Samukai: Uhm... change of plans, to The Underworld! and bring the girl!

Zane: No

Cole: Y/n!

(Y/n begin to fight back as she's tied up it worked well so far so she lost silence they grabbed hold of her and rushed the cars taking the weapons they drive off)

Cole: No!

(Y/n still fight's to be free)

Kruncha: Hold still!

(Y/n then managed to take the cloth off her mouth she bit Samukai, he screamed then he hits her away to the back of his truck Y/n then look's up to see the boys)

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