The Prince

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When my duties put my mind in turmoil, I like to go to the Zora River and swim. I like the feeling of nature floating there. I'm moving with the current, not feeling any panic, just simply existing, but one can't exist without trouble, as I hear the shriek of Lizalfos. I peek above the riverbed to see what the commotion is about, and I see several Lizalfos surrounding a small, blond Hylian with an electric arrow in his back.

I had to do something. I couldn't let these monsters take him to whatever hell they crawled out of, but if I were stuck by one of those arrows, I would surely perish, so I would have to be stealthy.

As strong as some monsters look, most of them can't swim, so I make a small splash, and one separates from the group to investigate. I pull them in and try to muffle their screams, but luckily they made enough noise for another one to notice, and I do the same as before. The monsters are not that intelligent, so I am able to keep up this charade till there are none left.

I climb out of the river bed to check on the hylian he looked to be about 5,2 with long blond hair tied back into a ponytail and the most beautiful grandidierite eyes he had small abrasions on his legs arms and hands and a large gash on his stomach it looks like they tried to rob him his clothes and belongings were gone but one of the monsters dropped a very nice sword it must

belong to him I pick up him and the sword and run toward the domain as lotos crossing comes in to view as we cross the bridge I feel the Hylian's grip tighten he-he's awake he is immensely strong willed we get to the end of the winding trail and the domain comes in to view the hylian looks mesmerized by the domain and I hear him try to speak "Am I dead". "Not if I can help it" as I enter the domain people stare and gasp as I run trough to the Medical wing of the Palace I am met with shocked faces as I bust trough the door "This hylian needs medical attention he was attacked by Lizalfos".(Time Skip Brought to you by RuPaul) By the time he is stable its around

midnight "he should be ok we've given him antibiotics to help with the infection in the gouge on his stomach other than some lite cuts and bruises the only thing he we have to worry about is how hard he got hit because he is severely concussed and we believe he has internal bleeding so he will have to remain here for longer than we expected". The doctor went over more about his health and let me go for the night as I entered my room the only thing i could think about was the nice cold pool of water so I got in and floated off to sleep or tried to more like it I kept

thinking about that cute little hylian "CUTE what am I thinking I am the prince of Zora's domain I'm supposed to marry a woman for the love of Jabu why am I thinking these things" I took one of my pills that was prescribed to me to help control my urges. When I was 35 I brought up that I had a attraction toward a male classmate of mine and he immediately pulled me out of the school and made me take a special pill that he had developed to help me control my feelings he told me that those people are sick and are shunned and exiled and that I need to be normal he said that its a disease so he cured me and my "urges"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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