CHAPTER 6: Getting along #2 - English Brothers/Family

Start from the beginning

They Drove phil to the School of Nekomi and Sabah, They saw both of them Waiting in the gates, Philip Hugged them both as they did the same, the English brothers we're Touched to see how the 3 Season siblings Hugged eachother

"Oh! Hello english samas! ^^" Nekomi said as she Noticed the english Brothers, "Hey Kitsune!" France greeted back Smiling, "How was your Both's school?" America asked, "it was Fun!" Sabah said happily, "We're glad to hear that Neko-mate!" Australia said, "Anyways let's all go home shall we?~" Britain Empire said, "Tch. Stop using that Tone all the time." Uk said annoyed as Britain empire Rolled his eyes

They all went back to Asean's Mansion/Land

"It was an Exhausting day!.." Sabah said, "It is Bestie! TwT" Nekomi said, "You two go see J.E and Malay, their Probably waiting for both of you" Philip said, "Oh right! Onii-chan and Malay-kun must be Waiting for us! Thanks Nii-phil! ^^" Nekomi said, she grabbed Sabah and they both went Downstairs,

"Anyways, Phil we're Kinda Wondering if you could Hang out with us...As long as your free..." Uk said slight Blushing, "..Oh! Sure think Kuya Uk! Im not Doing anything Important anyways!" Philip said,

"Can we go somewhere Like...Museum or Zoo?" Australia asked, "Nah your being a Crocodile addict when we go to an Animal places." America said, "Shut up! Animals are Special and Pretty!" 'But not as special and pretty as Philip...' Australia said and Thought, "Hm, Museum are pretty Boring! Just looking at some Ancient inventions and Paintings! Let's just see the Shooting stars later at Night!~" French empire Said, "Ooh!! That's a good Idea Kuya F.E! ^^" Philip said lit up, "Oh. I see you love shooting stars huh?~" Britain empire asked, "Yep! For me their so Special!" Philip said happily, "Well fine, just for Philip." Uk said, "That ain't a Bad idea Afterall!" Canada said, "Hm..alright then-..." Australia said slight sad Not visiting animals

- Skip again -
Later at Night time, The english brothers and Philip are in a Hill waiting for the Shooting stars to Showed up, as the Shooting stars showed up

"Their so Beautiful! Just like i Remember seeing these stars before.." Philip said while his eyes are still Lit up, "What about you guys? Have you guys make a Wish yet?" Philip asked as he Looked to the English brothers, "..Oh us?.. Well yeah...What about you philip?" Uk said, "Mhm! I did already make a Wish!" Philip said smiling, "Well, what did you wished for Phil? It's okay if you Can't share it with us" Canada said/asked, "Oh! I wish for you guys and the other Empires/Countries and i will be always Close and Happy!" Philip said, "What about you guys??" Philip asked, "Oh, we wished for the Same thing! But in the Different way heh!.." America said Akwardly as Philip smiled and looked to the other Meteor Showers which is still showing up

'...I wish for you to one day Love me...' The english Brothers said to themselves, if they Tell it to Philip, they knew he Can't decide yet, so they Didn't admit it. For now.

There was an Silence as the Shooting stars Dissapeared

"Uhm, guys can we go home now?" Philip asked slight Yawning, "Oh, sure thing ili!~" French empire said, They all went home to Asean's, They saw Asean Waiting for them

"Oh, there you guys are, Where have you all been?" Asean asked, "Oh hey Asean, We just watch the Shooting stars with Phil, is there Works that UN and EU assigned us?" New zealand said, "No, you all should get rest Especially you phil, Nekomi and Sabah already Slept for their School tomorrow" Asean respond, "Oh! Okay thanks for the Information asean! ^^" Philip said, "Alright, goodnight phil, and you too English family." Asean said and walked away,

"Tch how annoying" Britain empire said Annoyed, "Stop being a B.tch and just sleep already in your Room" French empire and UK said scolding Britain Empire, "Uhm, Kuya Brit E please Don't Shout! Everyone might be asleep!.." Philip said,

"Brit E?!" All of the English brothers Said surprised except Britain empire, "..O-oh! Sorry! I-it'a just a Nickname!.." Philip said nervously Covering his face with his Hands flustered, Britain empire Hold phil's Hands from Covering himself, "Hey Sunshine don't worry.. i Don't mind it, you can call us whatever you want!.." Britain empire said in Comfort tone, The english Brothers we're Surprised, they never saw Britain Empire talk to someone in that Tone as Philip smiled on him

"Anyways, shouldn't we all get Rest?" Philip asked, "O-oh right" Britain empire, "Goodnight guys and Kuta Brit E! ^^" Philip said smiling as he Run Upstairs leaving Britain empire Flustered, "Lucky b.tch you are." The english brothers said at him Glaring, "Totally, i am phil only Likes me~" Britain empire said in his Usual tone (as French empire) "Keep Daydreaming B.tch, that ain't gonna happened." Uk said kept Glaring, "Shut up M.therf.cker." Britain empire said,

"Let's just Stop this and get rest." Australia and France said, "Agree" America said Annoyed. The english brothers Settled and went to their Rooms to sleep/Rest


Sorry if this Chapter is Short 😭, i Can't think of more Motovations 😭🙏

Anyways, in these 'Getting along' Parts, i won't be Including the Asean members since Philip and them are Close (Except for Veitnam TwT)

Words Counted: 1454

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