!{Phobos x Fem! Reader} [ANGST]!

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Director Phobos, the GOD that lingers over Nexus city. An absolute narcissistic that couldn't care less about anyone else besides himself. In this case, you are the only exception, because you are his beloved wife. You and Phobos have been married for 5 years now and you two are quite the pair. There's nothing you two can't do. Your husband is the emperor of Nexus city!

You're indestructible with him by your side.


You stirred awake as you turned over to face your husband. Phobos' eyes remained tightly shut. You pouted, knowing he wasn't asleep still and was likely trying to mess with you. Believe it or not, despite his stern attitude at work, he's more open and comfortable with you. The Nevada sun peaked through the slits of the blinds in your guys' bedroom. Turning your attention back on Phobos, you flicked his forehead which immediately elicited a burst of groggy laughter from Phobos.

"I surrender, for you have caught me my dear." Your husband had a sharp teethy grin decorating his face as you stared at him with a smile. You placed your hand on his cheek as he naturally fit his face into your hand, his eyes shut.

"What time are you leaving?" You pondered as you pulled your hand away, but it was quick to be retrieved by Phobos who brought it back to his face.

Phobos sighed at the question as he muttered, "Probably soon, love.." finally propping himself up.

Your hand slouched to the pillow as your husband had gotten up to get himself dressed for work. It was a daily routine by now, you'd stay in bed and watch Phobos get ready for work, then he'll go into the kitchen and cook something quick to eat for himself and you. Then of course he leaves. So as usual, the routine followed through and before you knew it you were waving bye to him from the window, keeping the blinds open. You looked to the kitchen counter and noticed something.

"Honey! You forgot your" —you stood at your patio in defeat— "lunch.."

You sighed as you slumped down on the couch watching whatever was playing on the television. The television hummed in the background as you stared at your nails for a while, worried about Phobos not eating lunch. His lunch box now sat on the counter, uneaten, with the note you attached on it wishing him a good day at work.


Phobos yawned as he stood tall at his desk, reading emails from his computer screen. He squinted his eyes as he felt a sense of realization. That's when it hit him, 'I forgot my lunch at home. Y/N is gonna worry that I'm not gonna eat. Although, I can just drop by to pick it up.' A groan escaped from Phobos as he smacked his forehead.

One of the security guards by his desk noticed Phobos' groan. "Something the matter Director Phobos?" The guard tilted his head. The director swatted his hand at the guard in a way to 'shoo' him.

"Silence," the director shushed, "say not a word to me again." The security guard perked up in surprise as he quickly nodded his head, turning his head back forward away from Phobos.


After a while you declared that today you were going to be productive in the house, while your husband works hard. You hyped yourself up as you hopped off the couch and into the laundry room where you were greeted with an enormous pile of dirty garments to be washed. Taking a deep breath, you began throwing clothes into the washer and into the dryer. It wasn't long before you had to start folding clothes, which of course was the most tedious part.

You noticed you were passing a lot of time as you glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. It read "2.32 PM" just another thirty minutes until Phobos' lunch. Already confident and set on the fact that he was going to drop by the house to pick it up.

The last batch of clothes was finally finished being folded, and you proudly placed them back in their dedicated drawers. You smiled contently as you were proud of the simple productivity you did. It was rightfully so that you could now reward yourself with a nice meal! You walked into the kitchen and browsed into the fridge, seeing what you could whip up. There wasn't much, just casual staples of your food remained.

Suddenly, a sharp pain emitted from your back through your entire body.

You stared down to the floor, a blade stuck out from your stomach, piercing from your back to your front. You turned your head over your shoulder as you stared at a man with a golden halo, black hair, and glasses. His teeth were clenched, almost as if he has a moment of regret in him. His red pupils glowed and his eyes were teary as he whispered something that you couldn't comprehend, due to a factor of shock from impaled. The blade unsheathed from your back to out of your stomach.

The man disappeared into a black mist.

Your whole body trembled and became warm as your hand reached down to glide over the wound that was now seeping blood into your clothes. You were frantic as you paced around the kitchen, your bloody hand leaving prints of everywhere you touch, this included your husband's lunch box.


Director Phobos left the office as he entered the parking garage where he sat in his car, ready to go pick up his lunch at the house. A giddy smile decorated his face as he drove, excited to see you, even if it was for a few minutes.

Shortly he arrived at the house and unlocked the door. Silence washed over him and the house as he laid eyes upon you against the wall.

"NO. NO. NO."

Phobos immediately came to your aide, rummaging the cabinets under the sink for bandages. You softly exhaled as you watched your husband panic and do everything in his power to assist you. Phobos carefully guided you to rest your head on his shoulder as he raveled the bandages around your waist. Frustrated curses were all that could escape from him. Phobos lifted you up from the ground as he set you on your guys' bed.

"SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN. I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO BE RUNNING!" Phobos screamed and demanded into his radio which delivered to the entire PA system in the Nexus Core.
"I DON'T CARE! I DON'T CARE! I DON'T CARE!" He repeatedly demanded, his radio nearly crunched up as he clenched it. "YOU WILL SHUT IT DOWN UNTIL I RETURN."

You laid there, propped up on the bed as you watched your distressed husband scream his lungs out into his radio. Your hand weakly reaching out to hold Phobos' cheek. The director immediately flinched and perked up at your doing. His eyes followed into yours as a frown appeared on his face. The radio dropped from his grasp.

He embraced you in his arms, caging you with his body as he sobbed. Your eyes fluttered shut as you adjusted your cheek into Phobos' arm.

Phobos sniffled nonstop as he mumbled with his trembling words, "I'm..So fucking sorry, my dear." He sobbed, his embrace tightening around you. You remained silent, unsure of what to say or even process. "If I had arrived earlier..Never had gone to work..This wouldn't have happened." Tears dropped onto the top of your head from your husband. Your arms wrapped around his waist as you held him.

Until you were finally done.


'My arms weren't strong enough to hold on.'

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