Chapter 55- Melonlord

Start from the beginning

"We're trying to help!" Katara says, raising her voice in response to Aang's outburst.

"Then, when you figure out a way for me to beat the Fire Lord without taking his life, I'd love to hear it!" Aang angrily walks away.

"Aang, don't walk away from this." Katara starts walking after Aang.

Zuko puts a hand on Katara's shoulder to stop her. "Let him go. He needs time to sort it out by himself."

I frown, concerned about the whole situation. I hate to see my friends fighting and frustrated.

After dinner, Sokka and I realized it had been a while since we had seen Aang. However, our attention quickly shifted as we found ourselves intrigued by the chemistry developing between Zuko and Suki. Determined to uncover the truth, Sokka and I decided to take matters into our own hands and initiated an impromptu interrogation.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Sokka began questioning Zuko, aiming to unravel any hidden feelings or intentions. "So, Zuko, care to explain what's going on between you and Suki? Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us?"

Zuko's usually stoic expression wavered slightly, betraying a mix of surprise and uncertainty. "Uh, Sokka, it's not what you think. Suki and I have just been spending some time together, getting to know each other better. There's no hidden agenda."

Sokka raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Really? 'Cause it sure seems like there's something more happening here. Venus and I have been keeping a close eye on you two. You can't hide your secret romance forever!"

Suki couldn't help but blush at the unexpected accusation. "Sokka, we're not in a secret romance! Zuko and I have been talking and bonding over our experiences."

I chimed in, unable to resist adding my own teasing remark. "Come on, Suki. We've seen the way you two look at each other. There's definitely a spark there. Are you sure you're not just trying to deny your true feelings?"

Zuko sighed, his face turning slightly red. "Look, I admit there might be some chemistry between us, but it's complicated. We both have responsibilities and duties to attend to. Right now, we're just exploring a friendship."

Sokka and I exchanged glances, momentarily convinced by Zuko's explanation but still harboring our suspicions. "Well, alright, Zuko. We'll take your word for it... for now. But don't think we won't be watching closely!"

✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼

Sokka yawns, "Good morning, V."

With a sweet smile, I reply, "Good morning, Sokka," but playfully shove him away when he tries to kiss my lips.

"Go brush your teeth," I grimace, noticing his hot breath.

Sokka laughs, "You're right!" as he pulls me out of bed, and we head to the bathroom.

We both grab our toothbrushes and toothpaste, standing side by side in front of the bathroom mirror.

Teasingly, I say. "Remember, Sokka, two minutes of brushing. No shortcuts! We don't want any sneaky sugar bugs hiding in your mouth."

"I've got it, Venus. I'll brush my teeth with the precision of a Water Tribe warrior. Hygiene is serious business!"

We start brushing our teeth, exchanging playful glances in the mirror.

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