Start from the beginning

No, not some small, cute little puppy.

Some gigantic, shaggy as fck, growling wolf.

Like the wild fucking animal.

In his house.

On his bed.

With a ghost child on its back.

The dog was glaring at the teenager with its dangerous gray eyes piercing into Denki's soul. He was in fighting position, probably preparing to murder Denki on sight the moment he moved.

Y/N, on the other hand, completely missed the tension of the room as they jumped off of the wolf's back and basically skipped towards Denki with big, happy grin underneath the sheets. They raised their covered hands and tugged on Denki's shirt.

"Yellow Man! You came back! Just in time, too! Me and Wolfie were getting bored!" Y/N exclaimed, cheerful as ever. Denki took a quick glance at Y/N before looking back at the wolf in his room, scared the moment he broke eye contact, it would attack.

"'Wolfie'?" Denki repeated, his voice meek. "You named it?!"

"Yeah!" Y/N smiled. "Yellow Man, this is Wolfie! Wolfie, this is Yellow Man!"

"Hi...!" Denki mumbled, frozen in place, giving the nervous smile and look of 'please-don't-kill-me-i'm-very-weak'.

Wolfie only growled lowly in return.

"Yay, now we're all buddies!" Y/N laughed excitedly, clearly not seeing Denki's fear and Wolfie's aggression.

This would be adorable if Denki didn't have the urge to piss his pants.

"Uh, Y/N...? Yeah, I don't think Wolfie likes me..." The nervous one informed the child. Y/N tilted their head as they looked at the wild animal.

"Really? Lemme see..."

"Wait, Y/N, don't-!"

Y/N walked over to the wild animal, who was still glaring at Denki, and sat down in front of it. They looked up at Wolfie with (e/c) eyes of curiosity as they tugged on the animal's plethora of fluffy gray fur.

"Hey, Wolfie? Do you not like Yellow Man?" The said animal immediately dropped it's aggression towards Denki completely and gave it's full an undivided attention towards the child, it's eyes all doey and gentle.

Denki's jaw dropped at the complete 180 of attitude.

Is this the feeling of your sibling acting like they didn't just smack you in front of your mom? And your mom acting like she didn't see anything?!

Wolfie laid down on the bed and laid its head on Y/N's thighs as they sat down next to it. Y/N pet its head, the hole on their sheet revealing their happiness.

"No, Wolfie's nice! I'm pretty sure he likes you!" Y/N reassured Denki.

The moment Y/N gave the teen a closed-eye smile, the wolf sent a glare towards him, contradicting the small one's sentence.

"I wouldn't bet on it." Denki sweatdropped.

"Oh, I almost forgot! We got some swirly bread, Yellow Man!" Denki perked as Y/N pulled out a brown bag full of cinnamon buns.

"Without any money?" Denki asked, confused on the child's methods. "How?"

"I dunno what monley is, but me and Wolfie just walked in and that lady made a face similar to yours earlier. Wolfie just grabbed the other guy at the counters bag full of swirly bread and just walked off. I didn't even get to scare them!" Y/N pouted, making the wolf give them an apologetic look.

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