8 ● You drew stars around my scars

Start from the beginning

I got up from the floor and walked over to her carefully shaking her shoulders "paige, come on love. Lou and nika want us at the dorms." I said as softly as I could.

She moaned and turned over. "I know I'm sorry lovely but lou said it's was important, come on you can sleep in the car."

She turned back to look at me "carry me?" She gave me those damned puppy dogs eyes that I can't ever resist. "yeah ok come paige." I rolled my eyes and she smiled at me knowing damn well I'd do anything for her.

I picked her up bridal style, being cautious of her knee. I grabbed my keys and walked to the car and sat her down in the passenger seat.

I got in the car and started driving to the uconn wbb dorms.

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We finally got there and I saw the teams car but a new car. I knew we got freshman but they had already come and then went back home to visit family. so I was a little confused as to who's car that was.

I helped paige out the car and she looked super excited for someone who's probably in alot of pain.

Lou ran out and got paige and nika grabbed me.
"put this on!" she handed me a blind fold. "nika what the hell no I don't trust you." I shook my head and backed up beside paige. Paige pushed me, "put the damn thing of please." I rolled my eyes and gave in.

Nika put it on me and walked me into the building and out to the backyard. I didn't know the entire team was there filming me. "okay stop and take your blind fold off on the count of three."




I yanked the blind fold off and saw four people that I haven't seen in a really long time. My eyes started watering as i stared at my dad, hailey , caitlin, and drew.

Drew ran to me and I bent down to hug him. "hi ana, I missed you and I love you" I cried into his shoulder "I've missed you too pumpkin and I love you too" my dad walked up behind drew and I stood up as drew went to see paige.

"hi dad" I smiled threw the tears. "hi darling" I instantly wrapped my arms around him as we both cried for a good bit. "go see the girls" he whispered in my ear "I love you dragi" he smiled at me. "i love you too dad."

He walked over to paige and drew. I looked at cait and hailey and they waited patiently for me to be done with my dad and drew. I smiled at them and started crying again.

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