New Student, New abilities

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My last two days had been completely stress-free and I was more than read to start my first day at my new school!

I jumped out of bed and threw on my new uniform. The skirt was kind of tacky so I put on the slacks instead. I ran downstairs to greet my rescuers and grab a quick lunch and breakfast to go. "BYE AUNTIE! BYE UNCLE!" And out the door I went. I was practically running to school I was so excited! Usually I'm not very athletic and get very tired very quickly but recently I've had a time of energy to burn so I barely broke a sweat.

When I was within close proximity though I slowed to a walk. I didn't want to embarrass myself. Maybe if I was late I'd keep running but I was actually pretty early. Whoops. Well at least this gives me time to get acquainted with my home room teacher so I don't have to stand in front of the class and introduce myself. I'd probably die if I'd have to do that.

I went to the office first to get my schedule sheet and then quickly headed off to class. As I slipped into the room I noticed there was another person too. Why's this kid so early it's like, 7 minutes before class starts. Whatever it doesn't matter.

"Hello, you must be our new student." I brought my attention back to the teacher.

"Yes, hello. I'm y/n L/n."

"Well you can sit where ever you like, the seats aren't necessarily assigned, people just tend to stick to the same spots."

This made me nervous. I didn't want someone to be mad at me for taking their seat! I silently started to panic but when I turned around, the early guy was waving at me and patting the seat next to him. Thank goodness. That could've been so embarrassing.

I sat next to him and smiled sheepishly. "Hi! I'm Pavitr! But you can call me Pav if you like!" This boy was very energetic but I thought it was cute and it made me smile a little more so I didn't mind. His voice was really cute too. Just as much as my aunties voice was beautiful.

"Where're you from?" His question snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I'm from c/n" I said hesitantly. I really hope he doesn't ask me why I'm here.

"Oh! Is that far?" Idk is it? Is what I wanted to ask but I obviously couldn't so I just pretended like I knew.

"Umm- yeah! It's pretty far.."

"Have you had a tour of the school yet?" Pav's so nice and he didn't even need to be. I really hope we end up being friends.

"No not yet." I said simply.

"Well if you don't need to rush home I could give you one after school!" I could feel my head get a little warm at his offer. I've always had a soft spot for sweet boys.

"Yeah I'd love that!"

"Grea-!" Pav was cut off buy the bell and a bunch of students filling in. Boy was I glad Pav offered this seat. I'd probably be in a very awkward conversation about taking someone's seat right now.

"Good morning class! Today we have the new student we talked about the other day, please make y/n feel as welcome as possible."

Everyone looked around for me and I felt so embarrassed. Oh please let this moment be over. I pretend I didn't see the stares and just watched the teacher. I quickly looked over at Pav for some emotional support which was stupid since I just met him but I was glad I did because he was smiling at me. That alone made me feel like I wasn't being judged and calmed my nerves.

The class went by so slowly and I tried to make some good notes but it was so boring I kept zoning out and doodling. Pavitr on the other hand was in the zone. His notes were so organized and his stare was so intense that if I was the teacher I'd be a little intimidated.

Seeing his note made me wish mine didn't look the way they did. As the day went by I got more and more stressed. School here was hard. I was barely making it through the day. At one point, at my locker, my hand got stuck on the door. "What in the-" I tried yanking my hand off the door which just made it worse.

The bell for the last class of the day rang and I was slowly left alone in the hallway. I thought maybe if I put my hand on the locker next to this one I'd have a bit more stability but instead my other hand got stuck too. This has gotta be a joke. I just saw someone use the locker next to mine and they didn't get stuck. I then put my foot up but that got stuck too. Surprise, surprise, I thought to myself. At this point both of my hands and feet were on lockers and I was stuck hovering above the floor. And late for class. "Great," I huffed, sitting in this weird position completely defeated.


Pain shot through my butt as I feel to the floor. Well at least I'm not stuck anymore. IM NOT STUCK ANYMORE! I raced to my last class total ashamed that I was so late. And it didn't help that one again all eyes were on me without a comforting Pav to make me feel better.

Just as he promised Pav was waiting for me outside my classroom for a school tour with a big smile on his face. I let out a short laugh as I asked, "how did you know where my class was?"

"You told me. Remember?" He said leaning in and poking my arm.

"Oh right," I forgot I told him where to meet during lunch. I felt a little embarrassed at my terrible memory.

" ..soo, shall we?" I asked gesturing at him to start the tour.

"Not yet. I'm wait for Gayatri! She's my girlfriend, and the love of my life." Oh.

"Oh!" I tried to sound happy when I said it but I couldn't help being a little disappointed. He said it so dreamily, she must be quite the catch. Especially to be with a guy like Pav.

"She doesn't go here because she's home schooled but she usually walks me home. I hope you don't get joining us?"

"If course not!" That was a lie.


"GAYATRI!!!" Pav ran over to her, giving her a big hug and spinning her around. She was beautiful. Completely stunning. And familiar looking. But I couldn't quite place where I knew her from. I stood there as Pav asked her to join the tour, trying to place where I've seen her before. Oh! She was on a huge billboard! She's a model! Of course Pav's dating a model. I guess I never stood a chance, even if he was single.

"Ready to start?" Pav asked turning to me.

"Mhm!" I couldn't really muster up and words right now. I didn't want to be rude though. I have a little wave to Gayatri before we began walking. Pav must've noticed because he immediately stopped in his tracks.

"I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT TO INTRODUCE YOU!! Gayatri this is my new friend, y/n! Y/n, as you already know, this is my lovely girlfriend, Gayatri!"

I smiled at her as she said how nice it was to meet me. I just said 'me too' cuz I was too focused on the fact that Pav already considered me a friend! I was so glad and relieved. Now I'm not totally alone. I have Pav.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora