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Hi my name is Brea. I don't know how to write an interesting story, but I will try my best. If anyone reads this anyway lol. hope you all enjoy this story. pls please vote and share with your friends and follow for more! Anyway, let's get into the story.

"Kiss me," nick jonas said.

"I thought you'd never asked," I spoke. we were leaning closer and closer. I felt his hot breath on my face I was about to close the gap between us but then I woke up out of my dream due to someone hitting my face with a pillow and screaming wake the fuck up. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I said.

"What the fuck do you want zayn, I was in a middle of something. and get off of my bed!" I glared at him as I sat up to look him right in the face.

Zayn was the oldest out of the bunch. Zayn was 17, I recently just turned 17, and lottie was 9.

"Calm down pissy missy, mom wants us to get ready for school." zayn said while getting up flipping his hair and strutting out of the room. he stopped to add "oh and brush your teeth your morning breath reeks." he said leaving while making a gagging noise. " Stop calling me that you pathetic parasite!" I stuck my middle finger up at him as he shut my door.

I dropped back on the bed and pulled the covers up ready to go back to sleep. But then I felt something jumping on my bed. I open my eyes and its lottie, my sister. lottie has dark brown hair and big blue eyes. she was the family favorite considering the fact that she's the youngest.

"Good morning, Louis!" she giggled. she removed the blanket off of me and hugged me. I looked up and saw my door wide open again "get off of me lotts, it's too early in the morning for all of this." I groaned. She shook her head and hugged me tighter. I tried to push her off, but she had this hulk grip on me. I sighed and rolled us over and started to tickle her sides. she bursted out into laughter. "Let me go!! stopppp louu im sorry!" she said out of breath already. I bring my hands up behind my head. "Will u leave me alone then." I said. she made a thinking face and said no. so I brung my hands right back down to her sides and tickled her some more. she was laughing even harder, and I can see tears coming down on her face. "OKAY OKAY I SURRENDER." she said in defeat. I rolled off of her and she ran right out of the room giggling.

"Kids these days." I chuckled, shaking my head.

I looked at the time and it was 7am, and I needed to be at school at 7:45. I started to panic, I ran right into the bathroom to shower and groom myself. It took me 5 minutes to put these one jeans on. I looked in the mirror and it looked too tight on me, so I decided to put on sweatpants.

"HURRY UP SNOTFACE, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" zayn yelled. I rolled my eyes and ran down the stairs almost tripping on my untied shoelaces. I held onto the railings for safety.

"Would u shut the fuck up for one second." I growled. He looked at me and bursted out laughing. "Watch your step." he said while still laughing. I rolled my eyes and sticked my tongue out at him. I let go of the railings and continued walking down the stairs. I walked right past him to grab my lunch bag and to kiss my mom on her cheek. "Bye mom." I said. She held me back and smothered kisses all over my face. "Bye, darling. have a good day at school." she smiled. I smiled back and walked out of the house with my annoying siblings.

"I heard there's a new boy at our school." Zayn said.

I looked over at him and smiled. "Oh, what's his name?" I asked with curiosity glooming on my face.

"I think his name is hairy or was it garry I'm not sure." zayn said confusion written all over his face. we heard a dog barking loudly behind us. I turned around and it was charging at me. I screamed and jumped into Zayn's arms. "Ew, get off of me." he dropped me right on the ground. I landed right on my butt. "ZAYN, ITS GOING TO GET ME!" I yelled. I closed my eyes ready for whatever was going to happen. Then everything went silent, and the only thing could be heard was the cold wind. "Im so sorry, my dog ran away from me. Hes friendly I swear." A deep voice said out of nowhere. I snapped my eyes open to see who was talking. It was a tall slendy figure right infront of us. I studied what he was wearing. he was wearing a black hoodie that was covering his face, and was wearing black sweatpants. he held out his hand to me. I took it and mumbled a thank you. He nodded his head and walked off with his dog. I felt weirded out by that guy but in a good way. me and zayn and lottie all shared a glance to each other with the same expressions on our face. all weirded out by that interaction.

We walked to schooI in silence. when we got there. I pulled out my phone to check the time and it was 7:39. I showed zayn the time and he rushed inside the building to take lottie to her class. I went to the group chat to check if niall and liam was here.


Me: Niall how many times are you going to change the group chat name.

Niall: as many times as I want.

Niall changed the group chat name to THE BARBS 🤪


me: anyways...are y'all here?

Liam: yeah, were waiting for you inside the building.

me: okay I'm coming in now.

Niall: heh coming.

me: 😒

Liam: 😒

Niall: .....

Niall has left the group chat

Liam has added niall into the group chat.

I put my phone away chuckling as I walked into the building.

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