One last solace - III

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The sun rays hit her eyelids and she got disturbed from her sleep and rubbed her eyes....

She slightly opened her eyes and her chest felt heavy...a smile slowly got to her lips....

She slowly took her arms near her chest and her fingers entangled in his  soft hair... Arohi brought her face a little down to inhale his fragrance even more...

It's been 10 years now...she wondered why she was so captivated by his scent and more to him....

She sighed slowly not wanting to wake him up....

10 years of pure bliss is what she would call her life with him....

A life she dreamt nd yearned all her childhood...a love tht was never judgemental.... A family that actually loves her despite her faults....

She had found  all of it in this single person.....Mr. Neil....

After all these years Neil preferred to drop the name Birla it brought only some harsh reminiscence of his father....

Arohi too had become just Mrs. Neil..

They dropped their surenames hoping their tragic past and trauma and the internal conflict would also drop generally...

"Conflicts that are to be fought with outside world are easier to win than the conflicts fought inside the mind "

Arohi and Neil did fill each other's life with happiness and love...but unknown and well hidden in depths of their hearts was a dangling piece a smal thread .... that still loved their families....

But as much as 10 years being passed the dangling piece of heart buried itself in their new found hope and happiness....

Who would knew after all these 10 years of having no contact with them, still  life was going to present itself before them...

Before the scars they once healed....
Infront of all those eyes that always judged them who thought life would bring such a turn of events...

For Neil and arohi it was a regular morning....

Arohi gently lifted and moved Neil on the bed and slowly dragged herself out of the bed....

In her  periphery of ge eyes she could see the file on her side table...

She slowly stood facing the side table and went on her knees ....and took the file in her hand and saw Neil who was still asleep in her bed...

That one nights happening engulfed her mind....


The night on their legal wedding to be precise after the drama at the birlas .....

Neil had scheduled an interview for her with other hospitals and he too had applied for some job....

Arohi as expected had cleared the job interview and had got into it...

After 5 years of practice arohi had opened her hospital and now after 5 years with Neil superb administration they have opened a big and very well operating clinic....


The meet is in next part as requested by @berry__becca

Drop in your thoughts and vote it up...
Soon the meet up will be posted as i held with some writing block...

Do drop in some suggestions

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