Chapter 5: The hidden game

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It's already 10 AM when you leave the Fazcade. Time to get some ice cream at the Ice Cream Parlor in the Bonnie Bowl area. You order a [favorite flavor] ice cream while Gavroche chooses a spiced biscuit flavor because he got addicted to it since he traveled to Belgium and tasted that kind of biscuit. Cyril decides to pick a lemon one, Eloïc a strawberry one  and Ryan a vanilla one. You watch other people playing bowling while you're eating your ice cream and listening to the music played in the area. 

(If you don't like this song, I'm sorry.)

Once you're done with your ice cream, you take an alley and start playing one by one. Gavroche accumulates strikes, Cyril and Ryan are doing pretty well, you are struggling but still manage to make some strikes and Eloïc is just unexperimented. This is indeed the first time he plays bowling in his life. Gavroche is the winner and Eloïc is the last one.

" - Apparently, there are animatronics in here, Ryan says.

- Indeed. Maybe we could go and see them after doing the main attractions.

- Sure, sounds great.

- The best for the last."

You head towards the Roxy Raceway and walk straight towards the Raceway Reception. You hop in a go-kart and, once your helmet is securely attached, you all wait on the starting line. The countdown begins.





You step on the gas and start driving at an incredible speed. You link turns over and over, feeling the air whipping your face as you enjoy the race. You think you're going to be the first one to cross the finish line when Ryan passes you and arrives the first, confetti and ribbons coming out of nowhere.

" - Good job, bro! I thought I would win this one.

- It was short, but I managed it. It was amazing!

- Yeah, I absolutely agree.

- Where do we go now?"

You spot on the map the Glamrock Beauty Salon.

" - Hey, Cyril, do you want to get a new haircut there? You ask, pointing at the area on the map.

- No thanks, heh. I'm curious to see what it looks like in there, though."

Even though you don't specifically need to go there, you do it anyway, wondering what you will found in that area. 

As soon as you enter the salon, you get welcomed by a bot.

" - Hello! Please take a seat.

- Sorry, we're not here for a haircut, we just want to look around.

- Please do not touch anything and stay in the area allowed to the public."

Then she goes away, taking care of another customer. You walk in the vast beauty salon and discover a door leading to a certain small stage in the back of the room. You start pushing the door.

" - Hey! Can't you read? It's written "Employees only"!

- Oh, come on! I feel like there's something special behind this door."

Indeed, you feel like something is pulling you to this room. You quickly get into it and close the door behind you. You see an arcade right in front of you.

" - An arcade here? They are supposed to be in the Fazcade.

- Weird. 

- How about we play it?

- Well, since [Y/n] brought us here... let's do it."

You insert a Fazcoin in the machine and start playing the game, your friends surrounding you and watching what's happening on the screen.

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