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The popular duo walked into school together causing stares and whispers to be emitted.

"Are they friends or something?"

"Weren't they just rivals?"

"I saw a video of them singing together on social media."

"I hate people who gossip, it's annoying." Jihoo muttered.

"It just shows that people have nothing better to do with their life." Dohwa chuckled, throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"Crazy how we were just rivals yesterday." She internally laughed, thinking of their idiotic rivalry.

"Sounds like we're in some sort of story and the author has writer's block so they made the story more fast-burned." He said as Jihoo looked at him weirdly.

"That was very descriptive, Dohwa." She raised an eyebrow at him. "Stop breaking the fourth wall, idiot!"



"Nevermind." He dismissed as they made it to their class room.

The duo went towards their small lockers which was in the back of the classroom, and grabbed their books for the subject that they were going to have which was mathematics.

"Sit with me at lunch?" Dohwa asked her as they closed their lockers.

"Maybe." Jihoo responded.

He chuckled and made his way to his seat which was on the opposite side of the room of Jihoo's seat.

"Jihoo!" The familiar voice caused her to look up.

"Did something happen between you and Dohwa yesterday?" Hana asked her, leaning on the desk beside her. "You were talking about him in disgust yesterday and now you both are friends?"

"Eh, I realized that I can somewhat tolerate him." Jihoo said as she gazed out the window.

"And what made you realize that?" Hana smirked at the girl.

"We shared an umbrella and talked, that's all." Jihoo responded.

"Aw, that's so cute!" Hana beamed, she had shipped the two since forever but their stupid "rivalry" got in between it. "You two should go on a date."

Jihoo snapped her head towards Hana, her face red from the thought of her and Dohwa being on date, she was wondering why she was suddenly feeling like this.

"Don't just say stuff like that aloud!" Jihoo exclaimed lowly, looking around to see if anyone heard Hana.

"Just think about, Jihoo!" Hana gave her a big smile. "Jihoo and Dohwa sitting in a tree!" Hana sung lowly.

Jihoo just laughed at her childish antics and began to open her mathematics book as the teacher stepped into the classroom.

From the corner of her eye, Jihoo saw Hana gesturing towards her and Dohwa and making a heart with her fingers.

"Date!" Hana mouthed.

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