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YOU WERE IN A GOOD MOOD TODAY, walking in the halls with a bright smile stuck on your face and waving to greet people you knew.

But did the same go for Aizetsu? Nope!

The boy looked under the weather per usual, staring off into the distance while waiting for his brother Karaku to come and get his stuff from him─ which he had because Karaku wouldn't stop putting all of his things in Aizetsu's locker, claiming that it was because his locker was neater than his.

"Good morning, Aizetsu! Is there something interesting in the wall?" You asked in a sarcastic tone.

"No, I'm just waiting for someone." Aizetsu replied while turning his head to look at you, a little surprised by the sudden greeting.

"(Y/n), why are you here?" He asked after a few seconds of silence, and you looked at him in confusion.

He wondered why you were even talking to him, also curious as to where your white-haired friend was since the two of you were always seen together.

"Oh... My locker is right beside yours, and I left my chemistry textbook there." You replied, and the boy dumbfoundedly froze in realization.

Right, you were locker buddies..?

The sound of loud laughter caught your attention, and you looked at the green-eyed boy who now stood beside Aizetsu.

"You dumbass, why would you ask that? This is why you're single!" Karaku said while ruffling his brother's hair, and Aizetsu looked at him in annoyance and embarrassment.

"Aren't you also single?" You asked, and the two looked at you in awkward silence.

You knew Karaku because of his flirtatious personality, still remembering the time when he had tried to get you to like him by buying the whole expensive section of seafood in the cafeteria for you and your friends. You were allergic to seafood.

Karaku noticed the way Aizetsu tried to hold back his laughter, and he averted his gaze from you.

"Are you two ganging up on me?!" Karaku shouted, feeling betrayed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You responded while acting confused, avoiding any eye contact with the fuming boy by looking away and opening your locker.

Your eyes landed on a letter that was uniquely decorated with multiple colorful stickers and doodles drawn with gold ink, and you took it with curiosity.

"Gosh, did someone guess my locker's padlock code again?" You asked in disappointment, finding the situation creepy.

"Again?" Aizetsu asked in slight concern, knowing that if the same thing happened to him (not that it ever would), he would probably feel uncomfortable as hell too.

"Damn, let me see that." Karaku snatched the paper from your hands.

"Hey, don't open that!"

"I'm not listening to you, come to our table at lunch if you're curious about what it says!" Karaku said with a grin, folding the letter and putting it in his pocket. He took his belongings from Aizetsu's locker before grabbing the back of his collar, dragging him away while waving you goodbye.


You quietly listened to your chemistry teacher's lecture while trying to ignore the person behind you, feeling multiple crumpled-up papers hitting your head.

"Psst, (Y/n)!" The blond whisper-shouted, and an irk mark appeared on your head.

"What is it, Douma?" You whispered back.

"Heard you got in trouble yesterday, need my help with the punishment later?" He answered.

"What? No. How do you even know that?" You asked in surprise, knowing damn well that you haven't told anybody but Ume what your History teacher had said to you and Aizetsu.

"The walls have ears, dear." He said with a smile.

"Ew, don't call me that!" You whisper shouted, suddenly feeling a bead of sweat drop from the side of your forehead.

"Shinazugawa, you dare disrupt my class?" Your chemistry teacher asked while standing in front of your seat.

Uh Oh.


"You're so dead, Douma." You were now kneeling outside of the classroom with your hands up as punishment, muttering curses at the blond who was trying not to laugh at you earlier.

You were extremely glad that the hallway was empty because the other students had their classes, but the sight of an all too familiar person made you freeze.

Just how unlucky were you this week?

Why did you keep seeing him everywhere all of a sudden?

"(Y/n)?" Aizetsu asked in surprise. He was just on his way to the bathroom, not expecting to see you so soon either.


After a few seconds of silence, you explained what happened while making sure to keep your voice low.

But as much as Aizetsu wanted to keep you company out of pity, his teacher was probably starting to get suspicious of his long disappearance.

"Sorry, I need to go. Here." He took a blueberry-flavored mint candy from the pocket of his dark blue jacket and gave it to you, immediately sprinting away the moment you took it from his hand.

Well, at least you had a damn candy to accompany you.


▶ Urami, (Aizetsu and his brother's surname) was taken from Hantengu's resentment clone

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▶ Urami, (Aizetsu and his brother's surname) was taken from Hantengu's resentment clone.
▶ Ume caught a sudden cold and couldn't come to school today, so Gyutaro stayed home to accompany his little sister since their parents are always not home.
▶ (Y/n) kept receiving countless gifts and letters in her locker to the point that she'd gotten so used to seeing them and having to change her padlock code over and over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄. 𖤐 AizetsuWhere stories live. Discover now