Simple question. Rightt?

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"Why did you keep us from this?"

"Are you out of your mind to think you could actually be good at this without our help?"

"How stupid could you possibly be!?"

"I'm very disappointed in you Olive."

"I thought you trusted me."

With that last sentence I awoke and jumped off to the other side of the couch as Ezra was fully alert. I found my breathing to quicken as I put my hand on my chest trying to calm down. Tears were streaming down my face as well. Lucky Ezra had put a hand on my shoulder and told me to breathe even though I could hardly hear her, I knew that's what she was saying.

My breathing came to a slower pace as I started hiccuping and was able to breathe. "What was that about?" She asked putting away her book. I looked away from her and messed with my fingers as I took a breath to remember.

" family was yelling about how I never told them about this place or how I should have told them and I broke their trust..." She sighed. I knew she didn't know what to say back or how to really comfort me but that was okay. She at least listened.

"C'mon. Clearly you are thinking too much about this dilemma so we are going somewhere." She got up and grabbed her belongings and stood at the door waiting for me. I gave a small smile, grabbed my messager bag and put on my mask.

We walked out the base as I messed with my fingers. We found our way to a portal. She held my hand as we walked through. I open my eyes as we end up at Foolish's Summer house. My mouth makes the shape of an 'o' as I look at it. "S-so this is your house?" I asked as slowly looked at her.

She smiled and nodded. "A beauty, isn't it?" She asked looking back at me.

I could feel my face flush as I immediately looked away. "Y-yeah. You're just as beautiful.." I whispered the last part looking down.

"C'mon! Let's walk around here and then we can go back to the base." I nodded and followed her.

"There's the pyramid." She said pointing at it. It was extremely high, I could barely see the top. "You can see a little of the statue from here." She said walking in the direction if it. I looked ahead and could see the statue of XD. It was a well made statue I will say that.

"It's hot out here. I don't understand how you can wear pants right now." She laughed as she took off her top. I panicked and looked away.

I turned slowly to look at her. "What?" She asked running her hand through her hair. I looked away really fast and was thankful I had my mask on. I'm still pretty sure she saw that I was flustered.

"C'mon." I walked behind her as I kept looking back and forth at her and the ground. I catched up to her and grabbed her hand looking away from her. She laughed and held it back.

"My dad should be home. You can meet him if you'd like." She said as we made it towards a door.

"I think that would be nice." I answered looking at her with a small smile. She smiled and took her hand back as she unlocked the door.

"Dad! I'm back! There's someone I'd like you to meet!" She yelled shutting the door behind me as I heard her father's footsteps.

"Oh why hello!" He exclaimed walking into the room looking at me.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I said in a low voice trying to seem like I was talking louder. My eye contact was a bit off considering it makes my uncomfortable.

"Dad, this is Olive. The girl I told you about." Ezra said looking at her father, holding a hand out to gesture towards me. His face makes a realization as he makes an 'o' shape with his mouth.

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