Current hot search--

--The fight of the famous model

--The famous model had a fight?!

--Eunsung modeling for XX got cancelled?!

--the g&m fight with model?!
and so on...


Raon and his siblings aren't the type to wanna stare at their phone all day waiting for likes and viewers. In other words, they weren't that serious and dedicated to grow their audience. Simply put, it's merely for their enjoyment. And not for business.

That would explain why they aren't updated on online big shots scandals nor anything about others' lives.

They are always updated on new foods, machineries, science and stuffs like that. Fashion trends are for their servants to know.

And resulted on them, learning the news a little too late...

It happened on their live. The comments section were full of questions about the fight that had transpired between him and the boy.

Turns out, someone had filmed them and leaked the video.

They immediately closed the live and searched for the boy, Eunsung.

His social media accounts were attacked by netizens.

Insults after insults were thrown st every social media he had.

Raon himself, also received haters, but not as much as him. Since some are defending him saying, he only defended himself, from the greedy and spoiled model.

Not that Raon really cared about receiving haters, his father said it's natural after all. It just proves you're truly too famous to pay attention to miniscule things.

Like one hate comment out of a million nice comments.

Everything was supposed to be resolved, why does the video just have to be leaked?!

And this time, it's a bigger issue. Not only for the models themselves, but also for their careers and the companies involved. Netizens didn't let anything slipped out.

They even bothered the innocent photographer, who absolutely got nothing to do with this and only did his job, when the fans found out.

Since the issue got too viral, it reached Cale in no time.

He ,himself, wasn't a fan of building an online career, causing him to not be updated on others' lives. Plus he doesn't need to. But since it's about his precious and troublesome kids, it reached his ears in no time.


Continuation on ze next

TCF FF: Modern World : POnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora