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    "okay so i'm looking at the code and i see nothing wrong with it, i mean, i've been trying to see what's wrong but i just can't figure it out" aurora says

    george was trying to code something for a new video but the code wouldn't work, he checked with dream and he couldn't figure it out, even with sapnap

    "i've tried rescripting it and then i erased it and started over" george sighs

    "i'll look over it, i'll help" aurora says looking through it more closely

    "thank you, is it okay if dream and sapnap join then vc, they wanted to join, not to help, they just want to mess around" george laughs

    "yeah that's fine, it will help so i don't get frustrated" aurora says as dream and sapnap join the vc

    while aurora was looking over the script and listening to whatever dream and george were arguing about and sapnap trying to stop them, james was with her

    he was annoyed that she was on a call with her friends and not talking with him, she told him that this was important and that george really needed her help

    she told him when something was important to her friends then she had to stop and help them with it, she couldn't make the same mistake twice

    james didn't care at all, he didn't care if she had to help him code for some dumb youtube video that twelve-year-olds play, his words

    james got up from aurora's bed and walked over to her chair, he grabbed a chair and sat next to her, close to her, he put his hand on her thigh and began to rub it softly

    aurora didn't pay many mines to it and continued to talk to her friends and work on the code, then james put his head on her shoulder, almost close to her neck

    when she didn't pay attention to him again, he grew even more annoyed and began to press kisses onto her shoulder leading to her neck

    she muted her mic, "james i'm really sorry but can this wait" aurora says then unmutes her mic

    james didn't stop and kept doing the same thing, aurora muted her mic again and took off her headphones

    "james really, i'm trying to help my friend out with this and it's important, he's frustrated with this code and i'm being helpful" aurora says

    "he doesn't seem frustrated, i can tell you guys are laughing and talking about other things that are nothing related to your coding stuff" james rolls his eyes

    "we're just having fun, i focus more when my friends are talking with me, it's so i don't end up getting frustrated myself" she says

    "why is all your attention going towards them, it's like you don't want anything to do with me, i'm gonna go, it's clear that you hate me" he says getting up

    "james, james stop, i don't hate you, i'm sorry but" before she could finish he cut her off

    "your sorry, your seriously sorry, i've been trying to spend time with my girlfriend and you're just hanging out with three other guys" he says

    "their my best friends, i've known them for years and i'm helping with something that's are literal job" aurora says

    "so i'm sorry, i really am"

    "i'm leaving" james says as he grabs his things and leaves the room, aurora chasing after him

    "i'm leaving" james says as he grabs his things and leaves the room, aurora chasing after him

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

sapnap pov

     "aurora do you remember when george forgot he was colorblind when we were playing bedwars" dream laughed but no answer

    "she's probably getting frustrated on the code" sapnap says

    "it's okay aurora, we can go back to the code tomorrow, just hang out with us" george says but still no answer

    "you think her computer crashed again" dream says

    "maybe scar pulled a plug again and her computer is doing the same thing"

    "didn't she say james was with her, maybe that has something to do with it" george says

    "why would james have something to do with her being gone" sapnap asked

    "maybe their making out or something, they are dating" dream says then laughs

    "aurora wouldn't do that, she's said she wouldn't do the same thing again" sapnap said remembering from when the three of them talked during the video process

    aurora had said that she would never let a guy or anyone stop her from doing something that was important, especially if it was important to her friends

    sapnap couldn't help but think maybe it did involve james, but not in a sexual or relationship-type way, maybe he was just overthinking it

     "i don't know, it shows that she's muted, could be anything" george says

     "i don't know, it shows that she's muted, could be anything" george says

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

aurora pov

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

aurora pov

other weasley
what happened when you left the vc??

ripoff princess
hi george
oh something with james and i had to talk to him
then i didn't feel good so i left the vc after

other weasley
did james make you not feel good

ripoff princess
no no
james wouldn't do anything like that i promise
i think it was something bad i ate

other weasley
are you sure
you can tell me

ripoff princess
i know i could tell you anything
but really, it was something bad i ate

𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗺𝘆, sapnapحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن