Reo, I Need Your Help: Ch 3

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Reo scratched the side if his face nervously. You may be wondering why Reo was feeling such a mix of emotions, and you will soon see why.

"Listen Nagi - I have been hiding something important from you."

"Huh.. what are you talkin about Reo?"

"I don't want you to get annoyed at me, just follow my instructions carefully," Reo reinstated through the phone.

"Ok.. I guess."

"Nagi, on your phone,  go to the hidden apps folder and find the app called Nagi's play time."

"Its got a passcode what is-"

"Its the date of the first time we went out as a couple, " Reo interrupted, "I'm sure I don't need to remind you."

Hastilly, Nagi tapped the special numbers which he had of course committed to memory. "Clinck," the phone let out a sound as the locked icon vanished away and Nagi's eyes lit up like jewels.

There were a few apps in the folder, but there was one which immediately caught the white haired teen's eye.

"Nagi's fun time." That was it's name, plastered with a big fat white and purple heart logo. "When the hell did Reo get this installed onto his phone?" The teen curiosity thought, and without waisting another second, he clicked it.

A calendar like tab immediately opened, but not just any calendar.

"What the hell is this? It has like a diary of all the times we've done stuff and some weird details bout me "

"Ignore the diary bit. Go to the 'Toys section'," Reo emphasised strongly to a distracted Nagi who was scrolling through the most random information about himself.

"Nagi... please just click on the toys section."

"I can't find it. Huhh.. Such a bother :0"

"Its in the top left drop-down menu, go the-"

"Wait I found a better section called Album for Nagi!" The white haired teen shouted as he hastilly opened up the tabs.

"* THUD.. *" -just the sound of Reo's fist hitting a nearby wall because out of everything in his secret app, Reo didn't want Nagi to see it.

"Wooah ... Reo what is all of this?  Fucking hell. When did you take all these photos?  Their all in 4k resolution. I can like see every detail on your skin..."

"You shouldn't have shown me this," Nagi grunted as be bit his lip, "I'm gonna be awake all night now... Its- its so hot"

Nagi was feasting every every pixel of one particularly sexy image, which showed his lover so clearly as if Reo was before him.

The teen scrutinised the image, which showed Reo bending over a bed, with his ass held shamefully in the air. "So hot." Another one in the album was Reo with his legs apart and, spread open by his hands. "Your face looks so lewd in that one," whimpered the white haired teen, who was starting to beat himself of to the 1342 images in that album.

"Nagi!" Reo called again, " Go to the fucking toys section, trust me it's better."

"Better ?
How can anything be better than naked pictures of you?"


"Oh.  I didn't know you were gonna do that. Don't be mad at me Reo."

Reo clenched his fist again, but let out a sigh as to not  further dent the wall. "Go to the damm toys section and I'll stop being pissed off!"

" Alright." After a minute of navigating the highly complex app, Nagi opened up the  'Toys Section'. The page listed a huge catalogue of sex toys. "What the fuck..." The teen swore again - every one of them looks unique and fun, it was like a dream being surrounded in toys.

Not to mention each one had a detailed product description and rating and a tally underneath each of them.

For a moment, Nagi was puzzled by this tally, but it was soon clear that the ones that Reo and him had used the most had a huge tally count underneath them.  There near the top, he could see Reo's dick moulded dildo with the impressive use count of 52, followed by his favourite collar, leg restraint and wax.

But Reo told him to scroll further down, and at the very bottom of the list of toys was one Nagi hadn't seen before:

'The Ultra strong wireless vibrator version 4.2'

"Yes, that one. Tap on it," Reo confirmed; it was a new high tech model (developed by:  Mikage Adult Entertainment).

"Cool, what do I do now.."

"Now crank up the vibrations level to whatever you want. I have it inside me. It's yours to play with..."


Author Note:

Sup ReoNagi readers, hope your all having a nice day. Next ch Reo will put on a real show. I hope Isagi is properly asleep as well.  I'm updating Bachira x Isagi next ;)

★-Vote, comment, like, subscribe, star, share.. blah blah blah. I appreciate these stuff, but you reading my chapter is the best thing ;)

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