Chapter 10 - The First Date

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Hearing what Hina said did made me feel better. She was right, (Y/N) wouldn't think like that. He's the sweetest guy I have ever met, and that's why I like him so much.

As soon as Hina was done fixing me up, there was a knock at the door. (Y/N) was here already?! This is not good. I can feel my heart beating faster and faster.

"I'll get it!" Hina said and made her way to the front door.

"Wait a minute! Hina-"

But it was too late, she was already gone.

A few moments later...

Location - Hikawa Residence, Living Room

Your POV

The second I arrived at the Hikawa residence and knocked on the door, Hina was there and she opened the door. Even though she and I broke up, we decided to put that behind us, and just focused on being friends.

"Hey buddy, you look nice today." Hina said, giving me the biggest smile I have ever seen from her.

"Thanks, Hina." I said, smiling myself. "I just hope Sayo will like it, too."

"Of course she will!" She sounded very sure of herself.

"Please come in, my sis will be ready in a minute."


I stepped inside and removed my shoes. I waited for Sayo in the living room, and after a while, Sayo came out of her room, wearing the most beautiful outfit I have ever seen. My heart skip a beat as I stared at her, and I began to blush as well.

"Umm, (Y/N)-kun... can you stop staring at me like that?" The now embarrassed Sayo asked. "You're starting to make me blush."

I snapped back to reality as she called out to me.

"Sorry, my bad."

I got a little closer to Sayo, and offered my hand to her.

"So Sayo, shall we get going?"

She smiled as she took my hand.

"Yes. Let's make our first date something to remember."

An hour later...

Location - The Restaurant

It was an hour walk from the restaurant Sayo and I were heading to. It was a nice quiet restaurant that mainly served Sushi. Sayo didn't seem to have any issues being here, and neither did I.

We looked around to find us a good table to sit down at. Lucky for us, there was one that was right by the window. We headed over there, and I pulled up a chair for Sayo to sit down at. She smiled and thanked me as she sat down in it. I pushed her in and I sat across from her.

Eventually, the waiter came over to give us some menus to look at. He then asked us if we would like anything to drink. To our surprise, we both ended up ordering water.

"Haha, I guess we were thinking the same thing, huh?" Sayo said.

"Yeah, it seems so." I giggled a response.

The waiter came back and gave us the water we asked for. The waiter than asked us if we were ready to order some food. When he asked us what we wanted, we ended up ordering the same thing again. Sayo and I chuckled at this. We must be that close, huh?

An hour later...

Location - CD shop

Sayo's POV

After eating our Sushi at the restaurant, (Y/N) and I began to head down to the CD shop to look around, and if I see something I wanted to buy, he'll get it for me. He was such a sweetheart.

Once we got there, we started looking around, and right away, there were a few CDs that caught my attention.

"Hmmm... interesting."

"What is it?" (Y/N) asked.

"Some of these CDs feature bands who made their appearance for the first time." I pointed out.

I pulled one out and showed it to me.

"Wow, that is cool." He said. "Are you going to get it?"


I looked at it for a moment before smiling at it.

"You know what? I think I will." I said. "I'm sure Minato-san and the others will want to listen to this as well."

"Yeah, I agree."

End of the date...

Location - Hikawa Residence, Front door

Your POV

I had a lot of fun during my date with Sayo, it almost felt like we were kids again. But now that our date is over, I walked Sayo back home. We held hands the whole way there, and I must admit, her hands were even softer than they were before.

Once we arrived at her place, Sayo looked at me, and gave me a smile.

"Thank you for today, (Y/N)-kun." Sayo said.

"It's no problem." I replied.

Sayo blushed a little before speaking.

"(Y/N)-kun... do you think... we can do this again sometime?" She asked.

I blushed myself.

"Yeah, of course we can."

"Then I'll look forward to when that day comes."

To be continued

A/N: Halfway done with the book now.
Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

Shout-out to Yushinoru, NickolasMaturanDuart and GeistFalke for becoming recent followers.

BanG Dream: Always There For You [Hikawa Sayo x Male Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin