Chapter 11: The Revenge begins.

Start from the beginning

(0:35) Sakura is next to be greeted.

"I hope you do well, today is the big day."

Sakura thanks Eric on his greeting.

"I will, also thank you!"

(0:40) Shizuku thanks Eric for his hard work.

"You did well and helped us a lot into studying that fort, I hope you can fight gloriously!"

Eric responds back.

"Thank you, I will with my Unit of course."

(0:46) Mihiro then thanks Eric for his leadership in the Scouting Operation.

"The Scouting Operation was very good, and flawless.  And I thank you for that."

Eric relies to Mihiro.

"Thank you, I hope this operation is flawless too I hope!"

(0:52) Kaiyochi greets Eric.

"Hi, I hope you are doing well and prepared for this fight!"

Eric greets Kaiyochi.

"I am prepared, and I am doing well sir!"

(0:56) Shizukumi is then conversated on by Eric.

"Hey, I wish you luck with Time Breathing as this will be a big fight."

Shizukumi thanks Eric.

"Thanks for that, and I will do my best."

Akane is next and talks first.

"I hope you rock on, good luck."

Eric replied to her.


(1:03) Giyuu decides to meet up with Eric.

"Hey, I hope we can fight together since we use the same Breath, and I hope you don't end up like a fellow of mine."

(1:08) Eric talks to Shinobu next.

"Hey, I hope you do well, and you can help out as we will be trying to take the Fort today."

Shinobu accepts his request.

"Ara ara, Eric.  I can help out with you if you need!"

(1:16) Eric then goes to Sanemi, and Sanemi speaks first.

"Eric, good luck.  And I hope you KILL EM!"

Eric replies.

"I will do the best I can, Shinazugawa."

(1:24) We see that all of the Hashiras and Warriors are ready as Eric goes to the front, with General Pershing.  They are all in groups, travelling to Fort Wagner via 2 different routes.  The Artillery Men will be the only people to stay as they are tasked with shelling the Fort.  The 369th Infantry Regiment will go by Boat and travel to the Eastern side of the Fort, while the rest of the Military Units will use the Boats and dock at Woodhaven, to where they will get to the Fort from there.

(1:32) Pershing gives E.S.H. the authorization to do the marching commands, and Eric did as Pershing will direct them. 

"Prepare, forward, march!"

(1:34) The Soldiers now march and once they reach the Boats, they hop in.

(1:45) All Soldiers hop in the Rowing Boats, and depart Fort Moultrie except for those in Arty. 

The camera shows both Attack Forces going to their respective positions, as they sail.  However, the 369th INFT REGT won't dock at Fort Wagner until the others have arrived via foot.

(2:00) Those who are headed to Woodhaven now have arrived and deboard the Boats, and they travel on foot towards Fort Wagner.

During this time, we see shots of Eric, the Soldiers, Pershing, and the Hashiras running in the woods to make it towards the Fort.  It is 6:17 and Sunrise will happen in 19 minutes. 

(2:12) The Fort is now visible to the Soldiers and Demon Slayers, as they are 500 Yards away from it.  But they decide to stop, and dig up to make a Trench System, surrounding the Fort.  This takes a while as we see all Soldiers and Slayers helping to build the Trench System, and we see some of the Hashiras hanging out while the Trench is under construction. 

(3:48) However, one of the Demons spot a soldier, but the Soldier manages to shoot the Demonic Creature dead with a .30-06 Nichirin Round from his M1903 Springfield Bolt-Action Rifle.

(4:47) 2 more Demons spot a Soldier, but the same results as the first encounter with both of them dead.  This time a different weapon is used, the Winchester Model 1897 Pump-Action 12 Gauge Shotgun with Wisteria Bullets.

(5:35) The Trenches are 9/10 complete, and more Soldiers are on alert in the Trenches.  They are about to charge soon once the Trench System is completed.

(6:25) As the order to take over the exterior of Fort Wagner is issued, they decide to advance and Charge on the fort.  Eric yells it out.


We then see the Soldiers rushing the Fort as it is 6:31 AM, 5 minutes until the Sun UV Rays shine on the Fort.  At the same time, the 369th now row their Boats toward the Eastern Flank of the fort.  During this time, the Western and Southern sides are getting minor combat action, with only 4 Soldiers dying so far while the Demons that engaged are killed, about 18 of them. 

(6:58) The African American soldiers have made it and now disembark their Boats, charging as well as the Negros face off 14 Demons, but they kill them all without a single loss

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(6:58) The African American soldiers have made it and now disembark their Boats, charging as well as the Negros face off 14 Demons, but they kill them all without a single loss.

(7:16) All Soldiers from the 5th REGT W.V. VOLS INFT, the 54th MA Infantry Regiment, the 5th Ohio Cavalry, and the 369th INFT REGT have taken all sides of their respective flanks, and are waiting for the bombardment of Fort Wagner's roof.

(7:32) And that's it for this chapter!  The 5th Battle of Fort Wagner shall continue!

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