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Saturday. Inside. Afternoon. Jisung.

"You're daydreaming." Minho flicks the top of Jisung's shoulder, and when Jisung startles, he doesn't even have the nerve to look up from his phone.

"Hyung!" Jisung complains, stretching the word, not getting any reaction for that either.

He looks up to find the usually ever-present SKZ-Talker camera but it's not in the green room with them, and Jisung relaxes a little more, letting himself sink deeper into the horrendously mustard-colored sofa of the green room. Minho is not stirred away from his phone but he doesn't push him off either, so Jisung counts that as a win.

He has been daydreaming, is the thing.

"You're good, jagiya?" Minho asks and the sound of it rumbles pleasantly through Jisung's body.

Sometimes, Jisung likes to think about Minho saying the words into his ear, thinks about how it would resonate through his body then, and he shivers at the thought.

He doesn't reply, waits instead for Minho to turn his head and ask again, this time with his cheek pressing against Jisung's forehead and if he just moved a little bit more, it could be his lips grazing his skin.

"Just tired," Jisung groans eventually.

"You can take a nap, we still have time."

Jisung wants to, but he also doesn't want to pull away from where he's leaning against Minho.

"Not on me." Minho shakes his shoulders as if he heard his thoughts.

Jisung huffs and finally stands up. "You don't love me anymore," he wines dramatically but he doesn't look back to see the expression on Minho's face.

"What's going on?" Chan has walked in but the question is asked more on reflex than anything else, his concentration clearly elsewhere when he starts shuffling through his backpack that sits at the other side of the room.

"Minho-hyung doesn't love me anymore, Minsung is over."

Seungmin laughs from the other side of the room, and Chan comes over to Jisung and ruffles his hair.

"As if he could ever stop loving you," Chan says, and once again the sentence is said casually as if he's stating a fact, and Jisung feels as if he missed the moment where he could have asked if they're still joking about this.

He still doesn't turn around to find out if the look on Minho's face would tell him anything.


Somewhere along the way, Jisung becomes horribly used to Minho's undivided attention. So much so that he finds himself jealous when he isn't the center of it in every room, which is ridiculous and embarrassing, but he can't help the way his heart jumps when he can pull Minho's gaze away from whatever conversation he's having.

Jisung usually keeps the thought to himself. The way it makes him feel when Minho's eyes find him in every room, the way he dismisses whoever he was just talking to. He's come close to confessing that to Felix once when he made a comment too close to the truth and it was past midnight and Jisung's heart was so full of dread and confusion and an undercurrent of desire he's managed to keep there, hidden, for so many years. He ended up not saying anything, ended up laughing instead, and pushed what he and Minho are back into the form they all understand. Where it belongs. Fun and games. Fanservice.

For months now Jisung's not been sure if that's what he wants anymore.


He does nap in the end. It's just twenty minutes curled up on the sofa once Minho graciously moved to the other chair so Jisung could stretch out, and he feels marginally better when he wakes up.

You're Already A Sin // MinsungUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum