Episode 9: The Dance

Start from the beginning

Brooke: You can trust me.

I smile and I look at Brooke.

"I got an idea."

Brooke: Let's hear it.

"Party at your house?"

Brooke: Let's do it.

I got my costume and me and her drove to her house and started to set up for the party. Afterwards me and Brooke went to a liquor store and called Emma.

Emma: Hello?

Brooke: Hey, change of plans. Party at my place. Me and Y/N are getting the good stuff.

Emma: Wait, I thought you and Y/N were going to the dance together?

Brooke: Dude, in a rec center with no booze and wall-to-wall cops? It's gonna blow.

Emma: Well, I told Kieran I'd meet him there, but maybe we can come to yours after?

"Is he not picking you up?"

Emma: Uh, no, he had something he had to do.

Brooke: Hmm. Well, that's lame. But, hey, considering my ex-beau may be a mass murderer, who am I to criticize?

Emma: Wait, Brooke, are you okay?

"She's fine."

Brooke: I just remembered who I am. I have a reputation to uphold. And I'm done being the victim.

Emma: Good. Kieran and I will definitely be there. I'll text you from the dance. Bye.

"Bye Emma."

Brooke hangs up and we get the liquor and we go to Brooke's house to finish setting up. I then got a text from Emma to come to the party.

"Brooke, Emma needs me. I'll be back."

Brooke: Better hurry.

I took Brooke's car and drove to the dance as I waited in line as the police searched me and I went into the party and I look for Emma. I text her where she was and she said she was on the dance floor. I went on the dance floor and I see her dancing with Kieran and he then pulls Emma aside as I pushed through the crowd. Once I got there Kieran left and Emma walked away.

Audrey: Y/N?

"Hey, Audrey?"

Audrey: What are you doing here?

"Emma texted me and I pretty sure I know why now."

Me and Audrey went over to Emma.

Audrey: Hey, are you okay? Where's Kieran?

Emma: He left. I messed things up royally.

Audrey: Or he left because he did it.

"Did what?"

Audrey: I found a video of him and Nina in a bar.

"Oh... Oh, damn. So do you think..."

Emma: Audrey, Y/N I know you both want justice for Rachel and Billy...

Audrey: Because he is the only person I know who would've wanted her gone.

Emma: So, you want me to believe that he killed everyone else?

Audrey: Nina, Tyler, Billy...

Emma: And Will.

I think to myself if Kieran could be Ghostface but I snap out of it as Emma speaks again.

Emma: Audrey, I can't believe that he did this any more than I could believe that you killed Nina.

Audrey: Then I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. You two have fun together. I'm crashing Brooke's and getting drunk!

"AUDREY NO! ...And she is gone."'

Emma: What are you doing here?

"You texted me to come here."

Emma: No, I didn't.

"Yes, you did."

I show her the text.

Emma: I didn't text you.

"Then who-"

Piper: Emma.

We look and see Piper.


Emma: What are you doing here?

Piper: Hey, I'm so sorry to crash, it's just that...


Piper: Something Cassie said yesterday struck me as weird. So, I just, I went back today.

Emma: Is she okay?

Piper: Yeah, it just... I wanted to be sure about Branson, so I took the school yearbook and I showed her his picture, and that's not who came to see her.

Emma: okay, so who did?

Piper: I showed her some shots from the vigil, and she pointed out Kieran. Is he still here?

Me and Emma looked at each other.

Emma: No, he... He just left.

Piper: Then we better find him.

The lights turn off people scream.

Boy: What's going on?

The lights all come on as the video on the wall changes to Sheriff Hudson tied up and beaten badly.

Girl: Oh, my God! Is that Sheriff Hudson?

We all look at the screen in shock.

3rd POV:

In the police station Seth Brandson cell is empty with a dead police officer handcuffed to the cell with blood all over the floor.

Officer (On Radio): This is an all-points bulletin for an escape prisoner, Seth Branson from the Lakewood City Jail. He is armed and dangerous. Repeat, this is an APB for Seth Branson who has escaped from the Lakewood City Jail. He is armed and dangerous. 


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