as your deskmate, maknae line

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Yujin is the type of deskmate that keeps to himself. Whenever you are sleepy in class, he will always look out for you and put his sweater on the desk for you to lay on. Yujin has a compassionate and caring nature, which is why he is willing to go the extra mile for you. He knows how it feels to be exhausted in class and will do whatever he can to keep you comfortable. He is also the type of deskmate that will take a pen without asking and will return the next day.

Gyuvin is the type of deskmate that will peak over at your notes to add on to his because you let him. He is the type of deskmate that will lay his head down on his desk and then fidget with your things on your desk. He will sometimes doodle random notes and drawings inside your notebook for you to see when you come back to your desk. Gyuvin is definitely the type of deskmate who always looks for ways to be helpful to you.

Gunwook is the type of deskmate where you giggle at anything he does. If he puts hair behind his ear even though nothing is there - you will smile. He laughs at you whenever you get sleepy in class or even fall asleep. He can also make you laugh when he says something out of the blue, like a random pun or a joke. He is a lighthearted person who can always make you laugh no matter the situation.

Ricky is the type of deskmate that actually pays attention in class but doesn't at the same time. When you ask him if he took his notes properly he will confidently answer yes, even if he doesn't have them. You will have to share your notes with him a couple times during class, but you don't mind it. He is the type of deskmate that will tease you when the teacher isn't looking. He will tap your shoulder when your not looking so that you will react or he will pat your head to annoy you.

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