Chapter : 1 | Ideals

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COTE X Death Note
(This originally started off as a One-shot, so bear with me)

Context : ANHS is like a normal and prestigious High School. The only exception being its OOA system which rewards students with no student fees and extra cash if they have high stats.

Kiyotaka was taken in by his father to be raised as a future successor and attends ANHS.

Light and his family don't exist in this timeline and Kiyotaka will be taken his place as protagonist instead.

The Death Note will corrupt its user like how it corrupted Light in canon. Whether it was natural or supernaturally will be left up to interpretation.


Third-Person Point Of View

Flashback to the White room

Deep inside a secret facility, an intense match of chess mastery between two incredible men of immense intelligence was on it's way.

The young child with silky soft brown hair and golden-brown eyes in a white gown made his first aggressive move since the beginning of the match. His opponent, a mysterious man in his very early twenties who sat in a peculiar position, countered this unexpected attack, seemingly predicting the child's trump card.

Older-Man: Impressive, If it wasn't for my preparations earlier, your attack would've definitely chipped the scales in your favor, massively.

The older man casually responded while he countered the child perfectly. The child ignored the man's comment, Instead, using this short time frame the man gave the child to analyze the board and try to predict the man's next move. The man didn't mind. In fact, he seemed pleased with the child's attitude, finding some kind of familiarity with him.

Older-Man: Say, what do you think makes humans the perfect counter to machines?

The man questioned the child while they exchanged pawns.

Younger-Boy: Humans are unpredictable and are mostly dictated by their emotions. Traits that cannot be replicated by machines. Of course, at some point, machines will be able to read and predict the human psyche, but it'll never be perfect. As to be human is to be unpredictable. To be imperfect. And Machines cannot predict things with no merit or logic behind them.

The boy thought to himself, not allowing any noises to escape from his mouth.

The older man was used to the child's cold shoulder, yet somehow knew what the child was thinking.

Older-man: It's exactly as you think, boy... so then why are you not making use of your unpredictability? Are you not human? Or are you just a machine?

The older man started teaching the child throughout the match while the child's moves started becoming more complex and harder to deceive. But still logical. The man knew this and easily dismantled the child's multiple layered traps with ease. Traps and strategies that took down hundreds of champions and machines the child went up against beforehand were outsmarted and destroyed in only a few moves by the older man.

Although, despite the hopelessness of the situation and the imminent coming of defeat, the child didn't waver at all. In fact, he didn't feel anything. No thrill, anticipation, or fear. It was just cold and emptiness. He saw this match as nothing but a feeding ground of data for him to absorb and refine.

Younger-boy: To make moves solely defined on illogical means... An interesting strategy...

The boy slightly glanced up from the board to meet the older-man's gaze straight on, showing the man empty eyes with no emotions present in them. After a few seconds of thinking, the child broke away from their staring contest and refocused his attention on the match, to finally make his last desperate attempt at victory.

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