Chapter 14: It's All My Fault

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Chapter 14: It's All My Fault

"How many times am I going to have to say sorry?" Stefan asked.

"Try a million." I nodded.

"Roxanne, you were the one who spent the whole night comforting Damon.. I should be the one who's upset!" He exclaimed.

"Ok, how was I supposed to know that my boyfriend was going to bring home my biological father?" I asked almost yelling into the phone. "And Damon needed me ok? I was being a good friend.. And that's besides the point!"

"I brought him because he said he could help!" He explained.

"Roxanne why is John here?" Elena asked walking into the room.

"Ask Stefan." I said angrily. "I swear Stefan if this is your idea of a good plan then I don't know where your head is at right now.."

"I'll be over in 20 minutes." He sighed.

"You know what, don't bother." I said angrily hanging up.

"So I'm guessing it's not a good time?" Elena asked.

"I know, you have questions and really, I'd like answers myself, but right now, I need to check on Tyler." I sighed.

"You shouldn't be so hard on Stefan.. He's only trying to look out for you." Elena shrugged sitting on her bed.

"I know.." I groaned, knowing she was right. "But sometimes I wish he would just leave it alone and let me figure things out on my own."

"Before you go will you just at least ask why he's here?" She begged.

"Yes Elena I will do you this one favor." I smirked.

"He doesn't know me as well as he knows you.." She shrugged.

"Yeah and I've had some choice words for him so I doubt this will be a PG rated conversation." I nodded grabbing my phone and purse before heading downstairs.

John was in the kitchen making breakfast when I got down there and the tv was on the news channel. The news lady, Andie Star, was reporting about the multiple deaths that occurred the past few days. 3 dead at the school event which we knew were because of Rose, and then a bunch of campers and a ranger, which we were pretty positive Jules killed after she attacked Rose.. But there was this one girl, named Jessica. She was killed last night. I didn't want to believe it but Damon was gone when Stefan came to get me.. And it really worried me. I turned the tv off with the remote and walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Coffee?" John asked ignoring my question.

"We're not doing that. We did that last night. No more avoiding. Why are you here?" I asked angrier.

"I'm here to protect you. That's all I can say for the moment." He shrugged being very vague.

"What do you mean that's all you can say?" Elena asked walking into the kitchen.

"I'll tell you more when I'm convinced I can trust you." He nodded and Elena and I looked at each other before Jenna and Alaric entered the room.

"I'm late." Jenna said.

"That's what you get for hitting the snooze three times!" Alaric smiled and then they both frowned when they saw John.

"What the hell?" Jenna asked.

"Good morning to you, Jenna." John smirked. "Alaric..."

"It's okay I'm confused, right? Because we were not expecting you, like, ever." She continued.

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