Prologue - Part 4: I'm here for you

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Ren: "She...she was diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma, a disease that makes her unable to move for the rest of her life. Meaning by the time when the disease spreads completely, she was deceased." Ai became sad when hearing Ren explained about Sarina's disease.

Ai: "T-that's horrible. How could this have happened?"

Ren: "I don't know. Probably the gods gave her an unfair treatment."

Ai: "Ren..." she said in a sad tone.

Ren: "At first, I couldn't believed my eyes when I discovered her sickness. I tried telling my uncle if there was any way to help her but my uncle says there was nothing he can do since there was no cure to help her recover."

Ren: "I tried to find any solutions on the internet to see if there was any way to recover her sickness but no matter what I find so far there was none. I became furious, blaming the gods for putting such a harsh treatment on her. But even then, that still wouldn't help Sarina recover."

Ren: "So I decided that I'll do whatever it takes to spend my time with her, making memories with her till her last breath. My uncle also agrees as he starts to follow along as well." Ai smiles when hearing Ren's statement.

Ai: "Seems like you were determined to ensure that she gets happy memories. You must be kind for doing so."

Ren: "Maybe." he continued.

Ren: "When I first met Sarina-chan, she used to be talking about idols a lot. At first, I thought it was the most silliest thing to do, but turns out it wasn't all that bad. Me and Sarina-chan talked a lot about idols and how she had a dream of wanting to become one just like you, Ai."

Ai: "*giggles* I think that was an amazing dream when you think about it."

Ren: "You may be right."

Ren: "The more I talk to her, the more I grew understand about her to the point where we became friends. And what's more, she said that she was willing to become my girlfriend once she discharged. Pretty crazy, right?"

Ai: "Girlfriend, huh? I bet that she must have feelings towards you."

Ren: "I like to think so too."

Ren: "She was talking on and on about wanting to go on dates like a real couple. And she also said that once we married, she wants to have kids and start a family of our own." Ai's eyes widen hearing about Sarina's wishes.

Ai: "Hey! That sounds just like me! I do want to have a family of my own too." Ren chuckled by her reaction.

Ren: "Heh. It no wonder that she was your biggest fan to begin with."

Ren: "Sarina-chan was a kind girl. She had a huge dream to achieve. She even encourages others to not give up. She was everything to me. So I decided that I confessed my feelings to her and you know what her reaction is? She was happy. Happy that I confessed to her." sooner or later the sadness took Ren over.

Ren: "But that happiness didn't last long..."

Ai: "Ren..." she said as she notices Ren's tears starting to build up in his black eyes.

She also notices that his hands starting to shake. She began to grab Ren's right hand with her left hand and grip it tightly. Ren looked at Ai and their hands. He begins to continue his story.

Ren: "As time goes on, I discovered that... she wasn't on bed anymore... my uncle told me that she has been long gone due to her sickness. I-I couldn't believe this. But... I knew my uncle wouldn't lie to me." Ren's hand starting to grip even harder. Ai notices as she grips him back.

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