Chapter 20: Pirate Family

Start from the beginning

"Young love." Hades mumbles to the guards holding him, and they roll their eyes. No one really thinks that Rose and Harry are going to last, and the young couple know that. This is why they plan to prove everyone wrong by sailing the seas together with their family.

The couple climbs into the car, but a voice calls out to them, stopping them from getting into the car.

"Rose, one last thing!" Mal calls, running over to the limo. Rose looks at Harry and shrugs before getting out of the car as Mal comes up to her. "Ben and I figured you'd want your things."

Mal motions to the guards that are carrying a few small bags full of Rose's things, and Rose smiles excitedly when she catches sight of her sword. She figured Audrey spelling it would've made it unusable.

"Don't worry. I managed to dispel it, so it's just your regular sword now. Figured you'd need it since you plan to really become the Pirate Princess." Mal gives Rose one last hug, squeezing her extra tightly. "I'm going to miss you, Rose, but you need to think about your happiness now instead of everyone else's."

"Thank you, Mal. Thank you for letting me go home." Rose whispers to the girl, then climbs into the limo. The guards quickly drive Hades, Rose, and Harry to the Isle. Hades hides his smile as he listens to the young kids gush and talk about what they want to say at their wedding that they're going to run to ask Uma to do.

"Come on, Harry!" Rose exclaims when the limo stops, and she grabs her bags before running off towards Fish n Chips. Harry cackles and grabs some of her bags for her, racing her to the restaurant. They stop by the Jolly Roger to drop Rose's bags off in Harry's room along the way.

"Uma!" Harry yells out as he runs into the restaurant, dropping his sword in the barrel. Rose follows him inside, dropping her sword in the barrel, too. Everyone in the restaurant quickly adverts their eyes, remembering how possessive and protective the two are with each other. They've dealt with an angry Harry for months, but now they have both mad pirates back.

"Sis!" Rose calls as she runs across the small restaurant. Uma smiles widely as they both hug each other. Uma had been worried about Rose, wondering if the girl and the baby were alright. "We're both fine, Uma."

"It was on my face, wasn't it?" Uma chuckles and Rose snickers, nodding her head.

"So, Uma, Harry and I want you to do something." Rose says as she grabs Harry's arm and drags him over to Uma and away from Gil, who just smiles goofily and follows them. "We want you to marry us."

"What? Really?" Uma asks, happy and shocked. She knew Rose would tell Harry when she woke up because she'd want to check on the baby, but she didn't think it would lead to them getting married.

"We want to get married on your ship, Uma. We're pirates after all." Harry says, kissing Rose's neck. Rose groans and looks up at her lover.

"Harry, once again, we can't have sex on the bar counter." Rose tells him, and Harry grumbles at her. He didn't care if it was on the bar counter or against the wall. In fact, all he wanted to do was hold her and love her until the end of time.

"Of course, I'll marry you!" Uma says ecstatic at the fact her best friends trust her enough to do this for them. "Gil, take Harry to get cleaned up for tomorrow. Rose, you're coming with me so we can get your dress."


Uma and Rose scour the Isle looking for the perfect dress, but they can't seem to find anything. They had stopped at every single store, every vendor in the market, and they even went through the gang's old hideout where Rose's old clothes still sat. Rose even found Maleficent the Lizard and made the decision to keep her safe and healthy.

They spend the rest of the day dress hunting, but don't find anything at all. In the end, Rose decides to grab a bunch of fabrics and make her own wedding dress, which Uma is helping her out with however she can.

They work all night to get the dress done, drinking and laughing as they work. Rose had sent Uma out to find any accessories that would represent her princess side and her pirate side. Uma had come back with several tiny silver roses and anchors.

Rose tells Uma all about what happened in the time she'd been stuck on Auradon, but they mostly talked about Uma's adventures outside of the Isle. Uma told Rose all about discovering all the sea life in the ocean, and everything she got to do in the open world.

Turns out that Uma had been living in Rose's yacht, which surprised Rose. She never thought her best friend would've been hiding out on her yacht, but now that she does know, Rose kind of wishes that she had checked her yacht at least once. She would've loved having Uma to talk to, and Rose is pretty sure that she wouldn't have been so angry and dark if she had Uma around.

It's nearly past midnight when Rose and Uma finish her dress, and they stand back to admire Rose's work as the girl herself stares at it in utter awe.

"Okay, I think this is your best work, yet." Uma says in awe, and Rose can only nod her head as she smiles brightly at the dress. "Ready to get married tomorrow?"

"Hell yes."

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