Chapter2 : Warmth (e)

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                    James P.O.V


I walked up the stairs thinking no contemplating. I needed a plan to help her.

Up in my bed room I opened my backpack on my bed. I ran into the kitchen grabbing one of the tuberware bowls and a top out the cabinet.

I put chicken lasagna and garlic bread in the container and warmed it up. While it warmed I tiptoed into the living room and peeped April kissing and cuddling with her boyfriend Kevin. I ran back to the kitchen and stoped the microwave before it beeped then opend the fridge and grabed a fruit punch juice bottle.

I grabed a fork, the juice and the warmed food and ran back to my room before the two lovebirds could notice me.

Once in my room i put everything in my bag and turned on my laptop, playing disturbeds album turning the up speakers the loudest it would go, because if the music is loud and my door is locked no one would bother me. I locked the door then climed out my window into the warm breezy night.

I hopped down onto a tree then jumped on Timothys car leaving dents in his expensive car. Good! Fucking prick, he deserves it. After all it is his fault.

I climbed down of the car then walk towards the girls house, I stopped when I saw a red car pull up in her driveway. Four drunk guys got out and staggered to her front door mentally cursing myself out I waited for them to go inside the house.

As soon as they went into the house I ran and quicly climbed to her balcony. To my suprise the glass doors were open.

" Lane! Hello Lane" I said as I walked through the glass doors drooping my bag.

When she didnt answer I was scared until I saw her on her bed fast a sleep snuggled up to my sweater.

she looked small and fragile, like an angel. Damn.

I was so deep in thought wrapped up in how cuteand angelic she looked, I jumped when I heard foot steps. Looking towards the door and noticed that the door was open, taking two quick steps I locked the door.

I walked back to her bed. She whimpered in her sleep, I knelt by her head worried. hesitantly i placed my hand on her forehead checking for a fever like my sister and father used to do to me.

She shivered at my warm touch then sighed.


                     Rheas P.O.V


I awake to the soft clicking of my bed room door lock. Afraid I let out a small whimper. Someone putting their hand on my forehead caused me to jump slightly. The hand was soft and warm,it felt famillar. Looking through the corner of my eye I saw him.

The boy from earlier. Somehow i knew he wasnt gonna hurt me. I breathed out a sigh of relif and turned to face him.

I took his hand and sat up in my bed. "Hi " I said with a shy smile. He looked at me and raised his hand, I flinched outta habit. He looked confused shaking his head as if was telling me not to be afraid, placing a tentive cautious hand on my cheek "Hey Lane. Its Lane right?"

"yeah kinda. Its Rhea Lane Storm. Whats yours ?"

"Um its James Hunter Grey" he said getting up off the floor and sitting on my bed leaving about a foot of space between us.

" Rhea are you hungry?" He asked I nodded remembering that the last time I ate was two days ago, Friday at lunch to be exact.

"He reached down by his feet and picked up a backpack, he dug in side and pulled out a tuberware bowl and a fork "here you go" he said handing the fork then taking the lid off the bowl and handing it to me.

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