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I wake up to a warm body around mine. 

"dal?". I say before turning my body towards his. He slowly opens his eyes to look at me. I dont remember anything from last night. I only remember us kissing and all of that, I don't remember walking up to his room.

"Morning". Dallas says yawning. I watch him. His Jawline is so perfect and his hair looks so fluffy right now. I run my fingers threw his soft hair. He finishes his yawn and looks at me and than my hand in his hair. 

"What are you doin?". He ask reaching for my hand. He grabs my hand and places it on his cheek. I rub my thumb in a circle motion against his skin. His eyes start to close slowly, he's  falling asleep again. I stop circling and he opens his eyes staring at me. He moves a little signaling for me to keep going. I roll my eyes playfully and start doing it again. He closes his eyes again and I hear his breath get heavier. 

"Dal". I whisper but he doesnt wake up. I shake his face gently and he groans and roles over.

"What Luna". He mumbles turning his body to face me. 

"I dont wanna fall asleep again, plus I have to work today". I say starting to get out of the sheets. He grabs my hand and drags me back. 

"Its fine, Buck will get over it". Dallas says as he throws the sheets over me and hugs me close to him. I rest my head on his chest. I go up and down slowly with his breaths. 

"Bu-" I start. Dallas leans down and kisses me. Its a soft quick peck. ugh.

"Fine, you can go. Im going to be here though". Dallas says letting his grip on me go. I nod and get out of bed. I grab some spare clothes and start changing. I dont mind changing in front of Dallas. I feel safe with him. I change into jeans and one of his shirts. Its a yellow crop top. Its weird, but cute. I look over at Dallas expecting him to be watching me, but he's not. He's passed out into a deep sleep. I smile looking at him. I walk out of his room and down the stairs.

"Good morning". Buck says as he stares at me. 

"Hey, I was thinking. Since ill be here for a while.. can I go to a school?". I say as I walk over to the fridge and grab myself a bottle of water. Buck looks at me before deciding.

"Sure. You can go to the one Ponyboy and the other's go to. Although Sodapop is a drop out, and Dallas doesnt go in general. So maybe if you go, i can get him to finally go". Buck says smiling to himself. Im ecstatic. 

"When do I start?". I say hardly able to keep in my excitment. 

"Well, You might be able to start today. It will just be weird". Buck says shrugging. 

"Than today it is!". I say quickly before running up the stairs and slamming open Dallas door. He jumps and sits up fast. 

"Jesus.." He says rubbing his eyes. 

"Sorry. But were going to school!. Time to get ready". I say walking over to Dallas grabbing his arm trying to pull him out of bed. He sits there staring at me.

"What?". Is the only word that is able to come out of his mouth.

"Yes, pleaseeeee". I say giving up on getting him out of bed.

"Im so lost right now. School?.. Since when?". Dallas ask rubbing his eyes again. 

"Since now". I chuckle at seeing how lost he is. He looks very cute when he's confused.

"I dont attend school. If I show up everyone would have a heart attack". Dallas says gently moving me out of his way before he gets out of bed. 

"Eh, It doesnt matter. Can you atleast come for my first day?. I know it sudden but please?". I beg.

ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴏʀᴀʀʏ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴜʀᴇ • Dallas WinstonOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara