The Fisk Takedown

Start from the beginning

Fisk Thug: Take him out.

Fisk Thug: You want some?

Yuri Watanabe: Spider-Man, what's your status?

Spider-Man: Almost done here. You?

Yuri Watanabe: We're about to go in.

"At least wait for Peter!" Miles said

Spider-Man: Be there soon. Can't wait to see Willie's face when you slap the cuffs on him. Okay, Yuri, all done. What's happen-- (sees an explosion) Yuri?! I knew Fisk wouldn't go quietly.


"Is she okay?!" Wanda asked

"Yuri's fine, don't worry." Peter reassured them.

[Spidey swings to the Fisk Tower.]

Yuri Watanabe: Get more backup! And lock down the airspace.

Spider-Man: Yuri, you okay?

Yuri Watanabe: If he makes it out of the building we're gonna lose him.

Spider-Man: I'm gonna go, uh...

Yuri Watanabe: Do your thing.

Spider-Man: Yes! Today's the day, Willie.

"I love your reaction for being allowed to beat up a fat person." Bruce said

"I think it's cute." Mary Jane seductively whispered in Peter's ear

Thank god Mary Jane was the only one who saw his tomato face.

[Spidey jumps to the building and fight with Fisk's thugs.]

Fisk Thug: Take him out!

Fisk Thug: C'mon, c'mon-- keep shooting!

Spider-Man: Heads up! Hey, where you going? Catch! I'll clear a path, follow me!

Police Officer: Get outta here, Spider-Man, we got this!

Fisk Thug: Quit lettin' him get airborne!

"You do NOT got this, pal." Miles said

Spider-Man: Sorry to break it to you, but you do NOT got this, buddy.

Everyone started laughing, Miles looked at Peter.

"Can Spider-Man tell the future?"

"I can't tell, you don't react positively." Peter joked

Police Officer: What's Spider-Man doing here-- he's gonna mess everything up!

Spider-Man: Thanks for the confidence boost, guys!

Fisk Thug: Start praying.

Fisk Thug: Get 'im!

Spider-Man: I guess this is what they call a hostile workplace.

"Kid, you need to work on your puns." Tony said

"Like yours are any better, hon." Natasha said

Fisk Thug: Enough already!

Fisk Thug: Come on, he's one guy!

Fisk Thug: He got Davey!

[Spidey defeats all the thugs, but soon the new ones appear on the upper floors and start shooting at the policemen.]

Police Officer: Down, down, down!

Spider-Man: Gotta take those shooters out.

Fisk Thug: You shouldn't've messed with the Kingpin.

Marvel Heroes React To.... Spider-Man PS4Where stories live. Discover now