So... What IS Hotel Nowhere?

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This is gonna take some explaining, so... let's get into it.

*cracks knuckles*

The basic thought process that came into creating this was "Hazbin Hotel meets Umbrella Academy." It's really just an excuse for me to be a history geek and a futuristic sci-fi geek all in one, and it's a bit more complicated than I first made it out to be.

The premise is that in this story, the characters all originate from a version of Earth that has D&D species, magic, and rules---and this Earth is broadly more accepting as a whole, though it's far from perfect no matter what period of history you're looking at. The story, however, takes place in a city called Chronopolis, which is entirely removed from the timeline and course of history. Everyone living in Chronopolis are, essentially, the people that time has rejected in some way or another.

Some citizens of Chronopolis are people whose lives were generally unfulfilling, and who never really made much of an impact in the timeline to begin with. The official story is that they stumble into Chronopolis by accident (in reality, they're pulled in on purpose), and they're given the opportunity to pursue a better life for themselves. These people are called "Wanderers."

Other citizens of Chronopolis---in fact, a vast majority of them---are, instead, people who were about to mess with the timeline. Most of the time, it's unintentional, but since their actions could've led to a dramatic shift in history, they get pulled into Chronopolis as a safeguard. These people are called "Rebels."

Once you're in Chronopolis, you're there for the rest of your life, and most people naturally experience a disconnect once they arrive. So, there are hotels spread all across the city, designed to help new citizens adjust to their new life... and the one the party have found themselves placed in is specifically for citizens deemed "important" by the Chronicle, the book that keeps a record of every citizen in Chronopolis.

This hotel is known as Hotel Nowhere.

While the party stays here and adjusts to the time-sick city, they're gonna have to deal with a lot---personal trauma, unlikely friendships, their past coming back to bite them, and a very corrupt City Council. Along the way, they'll be uncovering the mysteries of Chronopolis, and it's up to them to determine whether this place is a paradise...

Or a prison.

Hotel Nowhere: A Deep Dive Into My D&D CampaignWhere stories live. Discover now