chapter 2

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I was even more amazed i didnt notice them when they moved from directly behind and in front of me.

I must have been very tired or somthing. I've not been very alert i guess.

The first boy, who sat in front of me, introduced himself as amari enoshima. He had black curly hair and pink eyes.

The other boy, who sat beind me, introduced himself as aki enoshima. He looked just like his brother but his curly hair was white. His eyes were also pink. I thought it was cool yet disturbing.

Could they be wearing contacts? I dye my hair pink so the school shouldn't mind them coloring their eyes pink i guess.

I felt calm up untill i noticed they were glaring at me. Their gaze seemed like they were shocked yet disgusted.

I blushed and dug my face into my arms. I felt strange. They gave a dangerous yet familiar vibe on me.

They soon took their seat and i heard mr.sonozaki call my name. I jumped up out of my seat. I was in such a daze i didn't know what he needed.

I felt embarassed as i knew the whole class was looking at me. I felt my whe body become red and hot and dizzy. A few classmates giggled.

Mr.Sonozaki motioned me to come to him. "Go show the new students around the school. As our class representative you shoul have no troubles." He said.

I turned around with an akward smile as the two enoshima boys walked to me. I felt myself blushing and shaking. But it was not with love or affection. it was with fear.

The idea of being alone with two mysterious boys somehow frightened me. Also the way they glared at me frightened me enough.

We all walked out of the room and i closed the door behind me. Their gaze had not changed.

" im kagami daisuke, class 1-A's representative." I said shakily as we walked down the hall.

It was silent except me pointing and explaining the classrooms down this. Floor.

Eventually they grabbed me and pulled me around a corner. They pushed me against the all and raised my head as they were gazing into my neck.

" so it was her." Aki said looking amazed. I was about to scream for help but they must have noticed and amari put his pale, slender hand over my mouth.

" how is she still alive?" Amari asked as he held my wrist. I realised they were examining the bite marks.

Aki shrugged and got closer. He licked my neck where the bite mark was. " it was defiantly her i can taste it. But she seems to healthy for how much blood she lost." He said.

I suddenly realised what was happening. I grabbed Amari's hand off of my mouth and tryed to run away. Aki caught my arm and his eyes were now red. He had fangs barred and i couldn't take it. I droped to the floor out of breath. I was hyperventilating. In between breathes i said " v...vam...pi..res... you... two.. are... vam...pires." the last thing i remember was everything going black.

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