The beginning? No, Just Random Stuff

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'Oh! There's Sebastian keep your cool just walk past him and lean just a bit towards him so that maybe, just maybe you will slightly get to touch him and he won't notice because of all these students.'
I tried calculating how far I should tilt but missed, just like how I knew I would.
'Ughhh missed it better luck next time I guess.'
"Go to class students! Only 30 seconds left to get there"
'Damn those hall monitors, ugghhh'
"Oh crap. I am NOT going to receive the tardy punishment EVER again".
"What's so bad about? I mean all you gotta do is stand out in the baseball field while people are staring at you"

"David!?Did you just read my mind?"
"No dummo, you freakin said it out loud"
"I did?" *covers mouth with hand*
"No shit Sherlock" was David's harsh reply, which by the way, I have gotten used to.

~after safely arriving in the classroom~

"Oh and bye the way, did you just say that the punishment for being tardy wasn't bad?"
"When did I say that?"
"Dude you ju..."
"Okay attention class is everyone here?"
*all in unison* "Yes miss Myers"
"Really children? I can obviously see from here that clearly a student is missing"

~class president stands up~

"Why are you up Daniel?" said miss Myers.
"I have something regarding the student that is currently absent" was the reply that came from Daniel.
"Well then, say it"
"Umm... You see I saw him in the hallway this morning and he told that he was going to skip classes"
"Thank you class president you may be seated"

~the official start of 1st period~

"Today's lesson is on the Korean War" said miss Myers.
The whole class groaned in unison. And me? I wasn't paying any attention. All I could think about was Sebastian. Thoughts like 'where had he gone? Or what was he doing? circled my mind' and the image of his gorgeous face constantly appeared in my head. *sigh*
What is up with me I have been crushing on him since junior year and I know everyone in the whole school knows, wait maybe, and news travels fast yet why hasn't he even looked in my direction?! Yes this is indeed the story of my hopeless life.

~time skip- lunch~

"Hey Samantha! Hey hey hey hey"
'Its just David just ignore him, just igno...'
"Hey hey. I know you can hear me"
"Whoa, feisty"
"What do you want?"
"Oh yeah, hi"
"Really Dav?, really"
"Yeah really, why"
"You know what just eat your lunch"
I picked up his burger and shoved it into his mouth. He stifled a little "thank you". Oh My Gosh I wish he would just shut up.
Your probably wondering who David is huh? Well here goes. David and me have been best buddies since like 3rd grade when he stood up to a bully for me. I was really grateful for him at that time and continue to be always. We get a little harsh on each other at times but that's just part of our relationship. He like knows literally everything about me. Kinda creepy in my opinion but I do too so we're even. Anyway so yeah he's my best bud. My only bud, I guess, too.
Hai! This is my first chapter of my first story on wattpad. It may not be very good so please give some feedback on how should fix it to make it better.

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