The Gilmore's First Day at Chilton

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[Lorelai and Rory are sitting on the front porch. Lorelai is painting Rory's toenails. Rory squirts some whipped cream into her mouth. She hands it off  to Ryder and he does the same thing.]

LORELAI: [sarcastically] That's nice.

RORY: Thank you.

LORELAI: Don't move, please.

RORY: So, why are you insisting on doing this?

LORELAI: Well, because you're starting private school tomorrow.

RORY: Yes, but I'm going to be wearing shoes. Nobody's gonna see my feet.

LORELAI: Okay, but everybody knows that private school girls are bad, and bad girls always wear red nail polish.

[There is a lull in the conversation.]

LORELAI: Are you guys nervous?

RORY: About what?

LORELAI: About starting Chilton.

RORY: Well, I wasn't until I heard about all those bad girls.

RYDER: It doesn't really bother me.

LORELAI: That's my boy giving those bad girls some love.

RYDER: Thanks so why am I out here as well.

LORELAI: To spend time with your mother and sister.

[Lane runs up waving a CD.]

LANE: Guys, guys! New CD - XTC, Apple Venus Volume 2.

RYDER: What no way!?

LORELAI: Oh, woo, nails done!

[Lorelai, Ryder and Lane run toward the front door.]

RORY: But you only finished half my toes!

LORELAI: Who cares? You're gonna be wearing shoes anyway!

[Rory follows them into the house]

[Lorelai is asleep in bed. Rory, dressed in her Chilton uniform, opens the door to the room and sees that she's still sleeping.]

RORY: Mom!

LORELAI: [wakes up startled] What? God! Hi.

RORY: What are you doing?

LORELAI: Having a heart attack.

RORY: I thought you were up. It's 7:10!


RORY: It's 7:10!


RORY: [grabs her pillow] It's 7:10!

LORELAI: [grabs the pillow back] Stop it! It's a quarter to six.

RORY: No, it's not!

LORELAI: Yes, it is! I set the clock for a quarter to six so it's...

[Rory grabs the clock and shows her the time.]

LORELAI: It's 7:10! Dammit.

[Lorelai climbs out of bed and looks around for her robe]

RORY: We can't be late on our first day of school. Do you know what happens to people when they're late on their first day?

LORELAI: It's shorter?

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