Curiosity kills

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Loud music was blasting. Bartenders were busy serving the drinks. Not many people were there but the ones present there were more than enough.

That was not some random club. It was established solely for meeting purposes. No other activity was allowed there.

The VIP section of the Red Nights club was full. It was the time of meeting or to be more specific an extremely important meeting.

"What's with this sudden invitation?"Chan, the eldest of the six asked.

"You know the answer already."hyunjin replied, sipping on his drink.

"Still I want to hear from you."Chan insisted.

"Ok so everyone listen carefully,"said hyunjin as he put his glass down and adjusted himself on the couch.

Everyone's attention was on him now.

"We have the key and now we only need the lock."he began, "and the lock will come on it's own once he gets to know we have the key."he smirked.

"So, what are we supposed to do now?"Changbin, the third oldest asked.

"Now, we just need to wait a little and after that I can get my revenge."hyunjin said, his eyes darkened.

"Just wanted to ask, Are you sure? Don't you think you are hurting an innocent just to take revenge for another innocent?"another member of the team, Jisung questioned.

"No one in their family is innocent and even if anyone is, I don't care. I want my revenge and I'll get it no matter what."his voice held anger....

"What do you mean you can't find her?"shouted a man.

"Sir, we tried finding her in every possible place but she is nowhere to be found."one of his men said looking down.

He threw the glass in his hands on the floor and the broken pieces scattered on the entire floor.

"I'm giving you few days. Go and find her, dead or alive I don't care."he said, throwing a side table vase on the floor in front of the other man.

The man standing a bit farther away shivered and nodded before leaving.

"Jung Arim, you think you can escape your death this easily huh?"said the man as he chuckled.

He took out a picture from his pocket and began to look at it with a smirk.

"Only you and your dear brother are left. After killing you both, I'll get whatever I want."his smirk widened.

Arim was in his room. She entered his room secretly without anyone knowing. Being the curious cat she was, she couldn't stop herself from wondering what's inside that specific room.

She was searching through the drawers and even his closet which was full of black outfits. It wasn't unusual for her cuz she has seen him in black only, till now.

She was shuffling some t-shirts from his closet when her hand got hold of something metallic.

She took out that thing and it was a key. She had an extremely shocked face.

"When did I get this much lucky? I found it so easily."she questioned her own self.

She wasn't sure that it was the key she was looking for but still she wanted to give it a try.

She knew that it wasn't right to go through someone's stuff without their permission but still it was just her curiosity that got the best of her.

She sneakily exited the room and went in the direction of that specific old fashioned door.

Arim inserted the key in the lock and it made a creak sound but still the door didn't open.

"I knew it, I can never get lucky in this life."she was about to turn around to leave but suddenly.

Another creak sound was heard and as she turned around, the door opened on its own.

Arim was shocked. How come the door opened on its own but didn't open when she inserted the key. She shrugged off her thoughts and entered inside not before glancing in her surroundings.

She closed the door after entering and the same creak sound appeared once again.

The room was extremely dark. She began to search for the light switch but it seemed like there wasn't any.

She took small steps further although she didn't know where she was going. It was night already so there wasn't any natural light either.

She went deeper in the room. Suddenly, her feet collided with something. She bent down a little and tried to feel the particular stuff.

Unable to understand what that was, she picked that thing up from the floor and stood up. She tried to focus, and got to know it was a frame or to be more specific a photo frame.

There was a photo attached to that frame. Arim brought the frame closer to her face but was unable to see anything.

When she was still trying to figure out what was in her hand, the door creaking sound could be heard once again and someone entered inside.

Arim panicked. She put that frame down on the floor and tiptoed her way to the corner. Because of darkness, she couldn't see who entered but she was sure she was in trouble.

She hugged her knees in order to fit behind that small dusty couch in the corner.

To her misery, the unknown who just entered turned on a flashlight. Arim insinuated herself more behind the couch.

The unknown person came closer to her and her breath hitched but as if luck was on her side that day, the unknown person went away and sat on the old chair placed in the center of the room.

Arim glanced in that direction when she was sure that no one was around.

There wasn't much things visible because the flashlight was too small and it could only brighten a few closest places.

But, Arim's soul left her body when she saw the man sitting on that chair. His face wasn't visible to her from the back but she was sure who he was.

Yes, you guessed it right, the unknown man was none other than the owner of that mansion, hwang hyunjin.

As he adjusted himself on that wooden chair, it made some sounds making Arim flinch.

He got up from the chair few seconds later and picked up something from the corner. In the brightness of the flashlight, Arim got to know it was a violin.

He went closer to the small window and began to play a soft tone while closing his eyes.

Arim got lost in the sweet and gentle melody. She always liked playing violin and such tones were her specialty.

Unconsciously, she began to vibe to that melody but to her surprise, her hand came in contact with something placed beside her on the table. That was a vase and when it came in contact with her hand, it fell down and broke.

The melody stopped as well as Arim's heart.

Soon, he was marching in her direction while yelling,

"Who is here?"

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