The Boy from District One

200 11 17

Your POV

         I looked at the night sky. Up there are the pictures of people that died today. That were murdered. The person from my district who came with me, has died. Their fault, honestly. 

If they had just listened to me when I said it's dangerous to split up, they would be alive, and I wouldn't be hurt. I tried to save them but got my leg cut up in the process. I don't have the right medication to keep it from getting infected.

I feel no pity for them, now that I think about it. I barely knew them back home, and only knew them a few hours before they ran off on their own. 

They were annoying, anyway. I looked at my crackers. I'm running low. There's now 16 of us left, so maybe my sponsors will send me something nice for surviving this long. 

They better. I thought bitterly. I'm risking my life for their entertainment. It's the least they could do

I thought about how my partner from my district tried to run and leave me for dead. They died instead. But this one boy, had this chance of killing me, but didn't. I wondered why he didn't. Maybe he was caught off guard from my partner's actions. 

I don't care anyway. He looked like a psycho.

I wish I was never called. I wish I wasn't born into this society where Emperor Belos killed that human.  And to keep everyone else from rebelling, created these stupid hunger games.

I wish I wasn't born. I thought hopelessly. 


I gasped and my head turned up. I got my axe ready and got in a fighting stance. "Who's there?" I asked, gripping the handle. 

A shadow stepped from the dark forest. A blonde boy, with magenta eyes and a scar came into my vision. 

He's from district one. The girl from his district died from a pack of man eating fairies. Ever since Belos created the games, he turned the fairies more vicious and stronger than before. But this boy was the one who didn't kill me when he had the chance to when my partner had tried to abandon me. 

Not only that...

The boy before me was the Emperor's nephew. Despite being related, he also had to put him in the Hunger Games. Or so we were told. He could be a spy for him. See if we're planning on working together and escaping. 

"What do you want?" I snapped, backing up. My leg stung, but I ignored it. 

He gulped and pointed. "You're uh, injured."

"Yeah? So?" I frowned. "What, you're gonna try and kill me now? While I'm 'weak and injured'? Sorry to inform you, but I will not go down without a fight so you can just--" I huffed before I got cut off.

"I-I have the medicine you need." He said quickly. "And you have something I want. What if we become allies, until there's at least three of us left? My sponsors send me things I don't really need, but maybe you do?"

What?  I paused and looked at him suspiciously. "What do I have that you want?"

He stepped forward. I stepped back immediately and he stopped instantly. "I- well, you have the fruit bread. I want that."

My hand shifted to my bag. "You just want that? And you'll give me the medicine I need for my leg?"

He nodded. 

I stared at him. "Where's the medicine?" I demanded. 

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny glass jar. "Here." The boy said. " It's supposed to heal your wounds within minutes but..." He trailed off.

A Betrayal So Sweet [Hunger Games AU] | Hunter x Reader ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now