Lukagami's First time with diaper sex

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Luka And Kagami were currently snuggling on Kagami's bed while Luka was filling his diaper when he asked "how would you feel if we had sex in our diapers while they're full?" Kagami nodded yes and began to push a semi-solid load in her diaper while Luka began humping her messy diaper and she began to masturbate her pussy while still pooping in her diaper.

Luka began speeding up as did Kagami soon they finished messing their diapers but they were still having diaper sex. Luka pulled Kagami down to the bed and began humping the front of her messy diaper while she became a horny mess and soon they climaxed and enjoyed it.

They both agreed they would do it more often in the future but of course they aren't the only ones to do that. (Read the adrienette story to know more)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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