The Apprehension Between Twigs chapter 9

Start from the beginning

"Lets bowl," Emmett decided eventually. 

~* ~

I love bowling, I love the smell, the atmosphere and the memories one makes while bowling. I think that the best friendships are made on a bowling-alley. However, in the case of the Devereaux-brothers- that's what I decided to call them- it was a competition. And not one of those friendly ones, but a full-on, face-to-face battle between archenemies. They showed off their skills and tried to make the other fail in the most childish ways. They made each other trip, called each other names and distracted themselves in the process. And the worst part is, I didn't even got the chance to throw a ball. 

"Can I throw now?" I whined, though I knew what the answer would be.

"No, it's my turn," Emmett huffed while Bennett threw a strike. He thrust his fist up in the air and ran over to us. 

"Courtney, did you see that?" He asked like a little puppy who just got a big bone. I laughed when I saw his widened eyes and huge grin. "A strike!"

"I saw, amazing," I chuckled and he smiled contently, but got distracted when something- or rather, somebody- took my hand and pulled me up. Emmett waited until I securely stood and then he adjusted my glasses with his face so close to mine, that I could feel his breath. His eyes had a mischievous glint to them as they momentarily glanced over to somewhere. 

"You can throw," He whispered husky and he picked out a ball for me. I thanked him while the blood rose to my cheeks and scurried over to the beginning of the alley. Suddenly, I could feel his body pressing onto mine while he took my hand. "You're holding it wrong." His breath warmed my skin as his lips touched my ear. It tickled as several butterflies made me shiver. It wasn't like when Bennett was as close though. That can be more described as lighting.

Emmett's hand enveloped mine. "O-oh, I d-did not know t-that," I stuttered, cursing myself that I did. He slowly pushed my hand with the ball, but another force pulled me away from him, making me drop the bowling ball.

"She doesn't need your help," He snapped at Emmett. I looked at him with big eyes and noticed his flustered expression and clenched jaw. He held my hand tightly and with no idea what electric bolts he sent through my body. But before I was able to enjoy it- I did enjoy Bennett's rare touches, although I wasn't keen on admitting it- Emmett pulled me away to him. 

"Maybe she does. Besides, I don't mind helping her," He smirked as Bennett grew redder and redder by the second. He pulled at my hand again, but Emmett didn't let go. Bennett glared at him with eyes filled with hate and... jealousy? Nah, probably not. "What's the matter, brother?"

"Let her go," Bennett hissed as Emmett jerked at my hand to pull me closer. Bennett didn't gave up and jerked at me. 

"G-guys, stop..." I tried but they ignored me. Instead, they continued pulling me back and fort like I was a toy they both wanted to play with and the profanities pierced now silent bowling. Everyone stared at us with wide eyes.

"You son of a bitch! Let her go!"

"Not if you won't, fucker!"

"Don't call me a fucker, man-wh__"

"ENOUGH!" I shouted and both boys stopped. "I just wanted to have a little fun, but guys ruined it! I'm going to wait outside. You two can apologise when you decide to grow up! God, you just ruined the entire day! Can't you just get along, I mean, Jeez... I can see you don't like each other, but to play tug-a-war with my body...  What's next, double-dutch with my guts?!" When I was done with my rant, I heaved heavily. I was seriously mad. 

"I-I'm sorry," Emmett said but I already turned around. As I marched towards the exit, I heard them calling for me, but I didn't stop. Hell no! They can work it out themselves, I'm not a pawn in a war. I don't know why they dislike each other, but I could've been seriously hurt. And to shout profanities in front of children, what were they thinking!

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