18: Deadpool VS Deathstroke

Start from the beginning

Doom: 'Cause what?! To put your responsibilities on him again! So that you can again celebrate anywhere, while he does the work for you! To humiliate him again and insult him!

Strange: He did the job you were supposed to do! So please leave him alone!

Shiro:*talking to someone* What do you mean, "you sent them here"?


Shiro: Why did you do that?

A note appears in front of him, he takes it and reads it.

Shiro:*reading* "To annoy you."


There was silence in the theater at what they heard.

Childe: Either that dude is very brave to troll him, or he is very stupid.

Shiro (furious): Now I have to deal with idiots and whores who have an orgy every time the world and the city are in trouble!

T.O.A.A.: Peter calm down! You are scaring everyone!

He looks around and sees that the people in the theater and the children next to him are afraid of him. He is calming down.

Jerry makes innocent, childish noises that make him smile softly. He sits down and Akame, Tifa, Diana, Lisa, Ei, Shenhe, Mona, Eula, Glynda and Neo sit next to him.

Jessica, Susan, and Julia wanted to approach their children, but Shiro glared at them angrily.

Shiro: You are no longer their mothers, and you have no right to be near them.

His harsh words broke their hearts and tears filled their eyes.

Shiro: Start the episode.

Monty: You're sure?

Shiro: I said: Start. The. Episode.!

He decided not to contradict him, so as not to bring trouble on himself, and began to launch the episode.

Wiz: They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but sometimes it's nothing but a slap in the face. Such as the case when it comes to these two masked mercenaries.

Boomstick: Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth.

Deadpool: Oh yeah!

With a battle cry, he jumps into the screen and disappears into it.

Everyone: WTF?!

Winter (shocking): How did he... ?

Peter: I'm still trying to figure it out.

Monty: Don't worry. This episode will explain his madness.

Logan (in shock): You've kidding?!

Bobbie: No way!

Hulk (in shock): Hulk!!!

Jennifer: It's joke!?

Nick Fury (surprised): Impossible!

Wiz: And Deathstroke, the Terminator.

Diana blinks several times before making sure she sees.

Diana: They are really similar.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.



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