Chapter 1

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Context, You, Y/N, have known the turtles / Mad Dogs as long as April has, so you're all pretty good friends.

You run down the innocent marketplace streets of the hidden city with 'The Mad Dogs', aka the turtles and April. 

"He's gettin' away!" Raph shouts to no one in particular.

"Leon's got it!" Leo replies with a cheeky grin. Leo makes a portal to the teams dismay, portal-ing right beside the robber, of which wasn't too far ahead.

"Come here often?" Leo asks with a sly grin before the robber starts attacking. Its a quick battle, really. You and the rest of the Mad Dogs watch the fight go down, Mikey and Donnie going in as backup. You stand with April and Raph, Raph sighing and rolling his eyes. Its not until April and Raph quickly run out of the way that you hear "WATCH OUT--!"

Leo barrels into you, knocking you into the potions stand of a master brewer from Witchtown. You slam into a table, a potion quickly falling on your head. You lay there, probably concussed, head throbbing in pain. You feel something shaking you..

"Y/N! Y/N, You okay!? Hey, answer me!" Leo shouts as he shakes you into reality. Its almost as if sparkles danced around him after you make eye contact with Leo. You shake your head, making sure you're not seeing things..

"Y/N...You doing okay?" Leo asks you yet again. In the backround, everyone else from the Mad Dogs stands behind Leo. You're unsure if the robber got away or not....

"I could be better..." You say softly as you wipe the pink potion goo off your head. You just...can't seem to take your eyes off Leo, looking at him as if he were the most important thing in the world.

"Did I ever tell you how handsome you are..?" You say with a grin. Leo raises an eyebrow, as does the rest of the Mad Dogs.

"Y/N--! What-?" Raph exclaims. Meanwhile, the master brewer is having a bit of a laughing fit. Leo glares up the the master brewer, his confusion and anger obvious in his aura.

"What did you do to them? W-What did you do?" Leo asked in a concerned and frantic manor. The master brewer wiped a tear from his eye, smiling wide with a shit eating grin.

"My love potion landed on their head is all! But no worries, it wears off in...a week? I think.." The master brewer said with a sly grin. A faint blush spreads across Leo's face. Mikey giggles with April, and Raph telling them to knock it off. Leo and Donnie helped you up, Donnie's expression showing he's concerned for you and what this could mean.

"No no, really, you're like, really good looking Leo..I dunno how I didn't see it sooner!" You exclaim. Donnie snickers and rolls his eyes as Leo's blush spreads.

"This is gonna be a looong week.." Raph muttered under his breath

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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