
30 1 2

A wonderful land that lived A village and away from the village lived a big house where kept a little farm by them as the door opened revealing a boy with brown hair with a red streak as he came out the house with a little girl with pink hair and purple eyes come out with him as they went downstairs on the front lawn grabbing a basket as they heard the birds tweet

Little town it's a quiet village
Everyday, like the one before

Little town, full of the little people
Waking up to say


There's goes the baker with his trays like always
The same bread and rows to sell

Every morning just the same
Since the morning that we came

To this poor prevential town

Morning Dan
Morning riot

Morning monsuier

Where you too off too

Bookshop as usual we just finished this wonderful book about a beanstalk and a ogre and.

That's nice you guys! Baguette hurry up

Dan and China left

Look there they go those two are strange no question dazed and distracted can't you tell

Never part of any crowd

Cause their heads are in the clouds
No denying they're a funny kids those 2

Good day
How is you family
Good day
How is your wife
I need
Six cents
That's too expensive

There must be more than this provential life

Ah dan China riot

Good morning!
We've come to returned the book I borrowed Dan explain

Finished already the seller asked

Oh we couldn't put it down China explains

Have you guys got anything new
Not since yesterday guys
That's all right we'll borrow this one

China picked out a book and dan agreed

That one you too read like 10 times

Well it's our favorite

China riot
Far off places daring swords fights magic spell a price in disguises

If you guys like it so much it's yours

But sir we don't know

No I insisted

Well thank you thank you very much

They walked out the bookstore going to a fountain sitting down

Look there they go those two is so peculiar
I wonder if they're feeling well
With that dreamy far off look

And their nose stuck in a book

What a puzzle to the rest of us is dan and China

Oh isn't this amazing
It's my favorite part because you'll see

Here is where she meet Prince Charming
But she won't discover that it's him till chapter 3

Now it's no wonder that her name mean beauty
Their face have no parellel

But behind that fair facade
I'm afraid their rather odd

Very different from the rest of us
They're nothing like the rest of us

Yes different from the rest of us is dan and China

Soon a gunshot was let out then a bird came down to the ground a then a little girl grabbed the bird

Wow Lila you didn't miss a shot your the greatest hunter in the world

I know

No beast alive can't stand a chance against you and no boy or girl no matter

It's true Ari and I got sight set on that one

Lila point at dan

The inventor son

He's the one the lucky man I'm going to marry

But he

The most beautiful man in town

I know but

And that makes him the best and don't I deserve the best

Of course but-

Right from the moment when I met him saw him I said he's gorgeous and I fell

Here in the town there's only he
Who is beautiful as me

So I'm making plans to woo and marry dan

Dan and China walked past Lila and Ari and she follow them then a trio of boys were behind them

Boy 1
Look there she go
Isn't she dreamy
Isn't she so cute
Be still my heart
I can hardly breathing
She's such a big,dark strong beautiful girl

Lila tried to get dan but people were in the way China held dan closely



Dan and China
Good day

Women 2
Mais oui

Women 3
You call this bacon

Women 4
What lovely grapes

Man 1
Some cheese

Women 5
One yard

Man 1
One pounds

Excuse me please let me through

Cheese merchants
I'll get the knife

Women 6
This bread

Women 7
This fish

Women 6
It's stale

Women 7
They smell

Madame mistaken

Well maybe so

Town folks
Good morning, oh good morning

There must be more than this provincial life

Just watch, I'm going to make Dan my husband

Look there they goes
Those two are strange not special
A most peculiar mad moiselle
It's a pity and a sin
They doesn't quite fit in

Cause they really are a funny kid
A beauty but funny kids
They really are funny kids
Dan and China

Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour


The town looked behind before resuming back to what they were doing Lila was on a roof before jumping beside dan and china causing china to grip dan skirt dan held her beside him

Morning Dan
Morning china

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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