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"I can't believe you call this cleaning, idiot," I grumble, vigorously scrubbing the counter. "You're just moving the shit around!"

He scoffs, crossing his arms defiantly. "Well at least I'm fucking doing something, unlike you, who seems to think that cleaning is pushing crap under the rug."

I laugh, propping the mop in my hand against a wall. "Okay, friend."

"Whatever," he dismisses, grumbling. "I'd beat you cleaning anyways."

"Is everything a competition, Kat?" I ask, but I can feel my competitive nature bubbling up as I speak. " I'll show you what real cleaning is like, idiot."

And so, the battle of cleaning ensues. We scrub, dust, and tidy up with an intensity that could rival our battle from a few nights ago. The house becomes a battleground of brooms and mops, our banter fueling the competitive energy.

As I reach for a particularly stubborn stain on the floor, I can't help but blurt out, "You know, Bakugo, despite all ykur tough guy extetior, you're.. good at making people feel cared for."

He freezes for a moment, his expression flickering between surprise and irritation. "What the hell are you talking about, Battery Brain?"

I shrug, a hint of mischief in my eyes. "I mean, making me lunch and all. It's not something you'd typically do, but it did make me feel special."

Bakugo's cheeks flush slightly, and he averts his gaze, trying to hide his flustered state. "Don't get the wrong idea, dumbass. I just didn't want you to starve."

I chuckle, a warmth spreading through my chest. "Sure, Bakugo. Keep telling yourself that."


Meanwhile, back at UA, Kaminari recalls the events of last night, smiling mischievously.

"Dude, you won't believe what (y/n) told me," Kaminari begins, leaning in closer to Kirishima. "Bakugo made her lunch  yesterday. Can you imagine?"

Kirishima's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "No way! Bakubro cooking? What did she say about it?"

Kaminari smirks, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "She said it made her feel special. Like Bakugo cares about her, in his own grumpy way. I think there's something going on between those two."

Kirishima chuckles, nudging Kaminari playfully. "You're thinking what I'm thinking, right?"

Kaminari nods, his grin widening. "Absolutely. I bet you that by the end of their house arrest, Bakugo and (y/n) will have fallen for each other."

Kirishima extends his hand, sealing the bet with a firm handshake. "Definitely."


another short one sorry

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