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When all the other 1-A students crowd in after classes are done, I'm laying on one of the couches, half-awake from my long afternoon slumber. Bakugo and I had finished cleaning basically everything, and we were waiting for instructions for tomorrow.

"I... had perhaps gone overboard with the length of your punishment," Aizawa began, sitting in a chair opposite the two of us. My dear friend, after a stern warning from the teacher, reluctantly sat beside me, rolling his eyes and claiming that he didn't want to be near an idiot. "It'll just be 10 days. You aren't allowed to miss that much school, according to UA standards."

I nod and thank Aizawa, and to my surprise, Bakugo follows me back to the common area.
"I'm not following you, Battery Brain," he says gruffly, as if he was reading my thoughts. "I'm trying to get to my dorm."

"Okay... I didn't say anything." Mina waves me over to the seat beside her– she's with Kirisima and Sero, as well.

"Hi, (y/n)!" she says cheerfully, grinning. "So. How was it?"
"Picking up garbage with a literal piece of shit? Fantastic," I reply, sarcasm oozing out of my voice.

"Not best friends yet, huh." Kirishima laughs quietly and Sero joins in.

"Definitely friends, don't get me wrong, he just doesn't want to say the word. I've known him forever. He can just be... a pissy child sometimes."

"Who're you calling a pissy child, Battery Brain?" a resentful voice calls from behind me. I roll my eyes and turn around, where Bakugo stands stiffly, looking like he'll explode at any second.

"You," I respond calmly, creating little webs to divert myself. "Who else here is a pissy child? C'mon now."

He opens his mouth, presumably to yell, but I speak before him. "I'm not scared of you, or your infant-level Quirk, or anything. Someone needs to pop your ego at one point."

I guess that's what did it, because he proceeds to roar 'DIE!' about five million times and says that we'll really see who has the infant-level Quirk by fighting.

"You can't resolve everything by fighting, Bakugo!" Iida meddles, stepping between us. "You're already under house arrest!"

"Right," I agree, crossing my arms. "I don't wanna fight you again, Kat."

"And you, (l/n)! Stop instigating! You know he has a short temper, and you keep pushing it!"

"I don't think (l/n) is trying to get him mad..." Sero begins nervously. "He's sort of irritable."

"SHUT UP!" His hands set off small explosions, and he hisses vehemently. "You underestimating me, Battery Brain? Do you think you're better than me?"

"I'm your friend, why the fuck would I think that?" I scoff.

"Bakugo! (l/n)! Please stop! As class representative, I–"

"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bakugo yells. "Let's go, Battery Brain. Fight me, and lose, because you're weak, and you'll never be better than me!"


"Yeah, really!" Everyone watches us in anticipation as Iida desperately tries to pry us apart, but I'm not focused on anything else right now. All I can see are outraged, red eyes. I can only hear his loudness.

"Alright then, fight me!"

He smirks smugly. "Fine then! Outside. Right now."

"We have an audience, even better," I say. "Now everyone can see me obliterate the absolute fuck out of you."

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