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Geralt and Vesemir left the next morning. We hardly spoke besides good morning and good bye. I didn't know what to say. He clearly didn't know what to say, so we said little.

I went to work at the healer's, helping them with dog bites, infections and other things. I helped sanitize and rebandage wounds. I mixed elixirs for the healer, who happened to be a mage. Working with the mage had taught me a lot. I learned a lot about witchers and their different potions and elixirs. We'd become quite close over the years I worked under them.

Geralt and other witchers would pass through the village every once in awhile, taking notices for monsters, shopping our vast market, seeing the blacksmith, etc. Geralt and I would make small talk here and there when he came through. I eventually started making his elixirs and stocking some dry meats for him to take on his travels. He'd come by once a week or so to get what I'd prepared.

— Months passed, bringing about the beginning of winter —

Day and night, my mind slipped to the boy I once knew and the man that boy became. I couldn't get him out of my head. He made my heart hurt with longing for his touch or his gaze. I just wanted him to be near me. The short moments I got to spend with him made me happy. Even if it was brief, in passing, trading meat and elixirs for little things he found on his travels.

One cool winter morning, I sat in the healer's hut, helping her roll bandages. The mage hinted that my abilities might be beyond human. But that was impossible. Both of my parents were human. I was a human. It was a crazy thought. One I'd brushed off the minute it was said.
"Kaleesi, my mother was a regular human. My father is a regular human. I'm human. Drop the I'm more than a human speech." I laughed.
"V, you're eyes are not normal human green. You can hit deer from farther than any human. You even can speak elder better than most mages." Kaleesi explained. "You're something. I just don't know what." I sighed, rolling my eyes.

A scream from outside stopped our conversation. Both of us ran out to see what was happening.

Raiders were overrunning the camp. "Kaleesi, get my father and portal out of here. I'm going to get as many people into the woods as I can!" I yelled. She nodded, taking off towards my home. My sword came out of its sheath quickly as a raider ran towards me. I deflected his sword before slicing his throat. Another was attacking a woman who stood over her children. I grabbed the raiders arm, stabbing him in the gut. The woman and her children took off to the woods. More raiders died by my hands as I protected my town.

I spotted the Brena, one of the barmaids. She was pregnant with her first. Her husband had died a few months earlier to a sickness. I rushed to her, protecting her from a sword. "Run to the woods. You know the spot." I told her as she took off. The sword came swinging towards me again. I deflected with my own sword, my eyes met the raiders. His eyes were frosty blue. Like the ones of the man who murdered my mother all those years ago. The moment of distraction cost me. He pulled a dagger, slicing into my leg.

I screamed in agony, pulling my sword down swiftly. His sword barely caught mine in time. His dagger swung, meeting my torso. I kicked him with my good leg before taking off towards my home. I whistled as I approached.
A black horse ran out of the stable towards me. I yanked myself onto my horse. "Go, Daisy." I groaned, cupping my stomach. Night had begun to settle. I knew I'd never make it to the caves in this dark. Daisy had never been so she couldn't lead me after I'd passed out. "Kaer Moren, Daisy." I pleaded. This was the horse every rider took when we needed a witcher. She was fast and smart. She knew the ride and the terrain. Night came fast, so did the winter night air. From the blood loss and the cold air, my body twitched to the chill. Soon, my vision turned spotty then nothing. I'd lost too much blood. I'd never make it to help.


"Geralt! Eskel!" A voice called. It was unfamiliar to me. Warm hands grabbed my waist, pulling me from the horse. "It's Daisy and an injured rider!" The same voice yelled. The warm hands hoisted me into its arms, carrying me into a building.
"It's Vivian... Get Vesemir now!" A familiar voice yelled.
"Clear the table." The unfamiliar voice yelled.
"Kaer Moren." I muttered, taking shallow breaths.
"You made it, Viv." The familiar voice said. Something tightened around my injured leg. I released a scream as the numbed wound became inflamed with pain.
"Hold her down, Geralt!" The unfamiliar voice moved to my torso, pouring a liquid into the deep wound. Another scream escaped my lips.
"I'm trying, Lambert!" Geralt growled. My eyes burst open as my body felt like it was on fire in pain. I squirmed under Geralt's arms. My head rested in his lap and my hands squeezed his forearm.
"What in hell?" Vesemir called, running up with another witcher.
"We don't know. She came on Daisy, riding from the town." Lambert explained.
"Raiders." I yelled, squeezing my eyes shut in pain. "Geralt, my father." My nails dug into his arms as I tried moving away from his grasp. Lambert continued to hold pressure on my leg wound. It wasn't clotting like it should've been. Vesemir began working on my torso, making me writhe in agony. Geralt's eyes darted to Vesemir.
"Eskel, Coen, and Hager. Go to town and see what the raiders have done. The villagers who survived will be in the woods in the old caves." Vesemir ordered. The three witchers left in a hurry towards my home. Vesemir then peered at my wounds then felt my forehead. Lambert pushed harder into my leg. I let out a scream like no other before passing out.


When I woke, my body ached. My face was drenched. I felt cold but couldn't stop sweating. I moved slightly, but screamed out in pain. Geralt appeared above me.
"Don't move, Viv. You might reopen your wounds." He looked worried.
"Raiders. My dad. The caves. Help." I muttered, my throat dryer than a desert.
"We sent three of our own. They'll be back soon. Just rest, Viv." He brushed hair from my wet forehead before taking a cloth to wipe the sweat. I was still on the table from earlier. My blood coated everything around me. The world returned to black.


"Her wounds are healing well. But I'm worried about the fever. The raiders laced their swords with some venom. If she doesn't cool down, her brain will fry and she'll never wake up." Vesemir explained.
"Ice bath." I gasped. "Honey, golden oriole, ginger." I groaned, squirming in the bed. Geralt's large hand found my small one.

"Vivian, you need to rest." He whispered, wiping my forehead again.
"Trust. Healer." I moaned, pointing a finger at myself. Vesemir grunted "I'll get the tub set up. Get her into the lab. We will do it there." Geralt agreed and the scooped me up off the bed.

"I'm sorry. I'm gross." I chuckled lightly. My throat was hoarse. Geralt let out a small laugh. After a few minutes, and a few stairs, we stopped in the laboratory. Vesemir bowed his head, turning to leave the room.

"Can you do this by yourself?" Geralt asked, setting me in a chair next to the tub of water and ice. I nodded. Unsure whether to believe me, he instead turned his back towards me.
"I won't look. But I'm here if you need me." His voice wavered slightly. I slipped out of the giant black tunic I was in. It was heavy with sweat. I slowly tried to stand. My vision went blurry causing me to lose my balance and stumble onto the floor. I sat on the ground in my undergarments. I grabbed the black tunic and slipped it over me again.
"Geralt. I need help." I muttered, holding my face in my hands. He turned around and picked me up. He placed me in the water causing me to gasp. My vision went in and out. Next thing I knew, Geralt had removed his shirt and boots and was sitting behind me in the water. His body held mine up. One arm wrapped around my waist under my breasts. The other held my head against his chest.
"Geralt." I said, my voice was hoarse and barely there.
"Yes, little warrior?" His warm breath brushed my ear.
"I thought I'd never see you again." I whispered.
"I thought I'd lost you too." He whispered back. "I never want to lose you, Vivian." His lips touched my ear as my head rested between his shoulder and his head.
My world slipped back into the darkness.

The Boy from Rivia and the Girl from Oxenfurt Where stories live. Discover now