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Father and I finally finished preparing the meal as Geralt came down the stairs. Vesemir had come into town with Geralt to meet with the healer for some help with other options in elixirs. He stood in the kitchen with my father. They were chatting about something related to blades. I smiled towards both, setting plates of food onto the table.
"Please sit. We have the food ready." I motioned to the table. Both came and sat down.

"Thank you." Vesemir nodded his head, sitting at the table. Geralt followed, eyeing me closer. My father finally sat down as I pulled a few more items to the table. Then I sat, between my father and Geralt.

"Oh, the ale!" I hopped up from my seat.

"Sit." Geralt grunted, already out of his seat and walking to the ale pitcher. He scooped it up and came back to the table. He poured everyone some ale. My eyes flickered to his face. It was cold, determined. Vesemir and my father made small talk. My father told him about his life as a knight before I was born. Geralt and I sat quietly, eating our food. I finished my food rather quickly. I knew I needed to prepare rooms for our two guests.

"I will prepare the guest room for Vesemir and Geralt can have my room for the night." I stated, bowing from the table before disappearing from the guest room. I went back upstairs. The guest room just needed a fluff while my room needed a little less. I readjusted Geralt's old clothes above the fire on the mantle so the other side would dry. I picked up a few items and stuffed them into my chest before dumping the dirty bath water out the window.

"Vivian." His voice caused me to jump. My hand pressed against the strong beating of my heart in my chest as I whipped around to see him. His hand pushed his hair out of his face as he gave a small chuckle at my response. "For a warrior, you scare easy."
"Well, witcher. You're not exactly loud when you walk. You step like a cat, very quietly." I scoffed with a small smile.
"Viv... I wanted to talk about earlier." He walked to the chest at the end of my bed, sitting on it.
"Geralt, there's nothing to say..." I sighed, standing in front of him at the fire.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you since that last day in the market." He looked at me then down at his hands. "But you're right... I'm a witcher and you're a human. If anything were to ever you know, I couldn't be normal for you. We could never have children, or a normal relationship, or anything." His eyes flickered with pain and sadness again.

Suddenly, a man didn't sit before me. It was the boy from the market. The one I'd called my best friend at a young age. The boy I thought about every night before sleep caught me. My feet took me to him. My hand scooped his gruff stubbled chin, pulling his eyes up to mine.

"Geralt, I never asked for normal." I stated. "I only asked the gods for you back. As friends, as lovers, as whatever. I just wanted that boy I knew back." I breathed deep, staring into his breathtaking gaze.

His hand found my hip. "I can't give you anything other than friendship for now. My world is dangerous. I can't have you being in it and getting hurt." I nodded, releasing his chin.

"Right, friends." My heart broke again. I'd been a fool. His stolen glances, smiles were nothing but friendship to him. Where'd they had been longing for me. "Well, I will let you rest. Your clothes should be dry by morning. If you need anything, I will be downstairs for most of the night." I smiled.

"Vivian." Geralt rose from the chest, walking towards me. He brushed my brown hair from my face. "I'm glad I found you." I nodded, leaning into his touch. His fingers grazed my ear, tucking hair back. His touch sent chills down my spine and butterflies into my stomach. My heart beat loudly in my ears.
"M-me too." I stuttered, looking up at him. His eyes watched me closely from above. "I should go downstairs."
"No." His hand caressed my cheek. "Not yet."
"Ok." I stood still, looking up at his face. His demeanor was calm, comfortable. His eyes felt soft and warm. His hair tucked back and out of his face. His eyebrows were relaxed. His jaw was set firm. I don't know what it was about him, but he made me feel safe. My hand touched his, pulling it from my face.
"I can't stay. You need rest." I swallowed hard, pushing back what felt like a flood of tears and pain.
"I'll see you in the morning, little warrior." Geralt smiled half heartedly. With that, I left his room and went downstairs.

The night was cold, full of nightmares. Many times I woke up in a cold sweat, gasping, seeing the monster from that day in my dreams.

"Can't sleep?" Vesemir asked, drinking some ale from a cup at the table.
"No." I sighed, pulling the blanket around me before walking to the table. "I can't. I keep seeing that thing from earlier." I pulled out the chair across from Vesemir and sat down.
"Geralt told me. Those beasts can be fierce. Here." He handed me a small bottle. "This will help you sleep the rest of the night." I nodded, taking it from him.
"Why are you awake?" I asked.
"Many things plague my thoughts nowadays. Witchers don't need sleep like humans do though." He explained. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, just listening to the wind blow outside of the house.

"Geralt tells me you knew him from before."
"Yes, we played together at a village market every week. Up until his mother left him with... You." I answered grimly.
"He seems to be fascinated with you now." Vesemir took a long drink from his cup.
"Fascinated? I don't know about that. I can't read him." I responded.
"I was going to give this assignment to Eskel, one of my other young witchers. But Geralt insisted he came, claiming he knew the area and town better than the others. I think it was just to see you." Vesemir chuckled lightly.
"Oh, well. He doesn't seem interested in me like that." I muttered.
"Give him time." Vesemir responded, patting my hand lightly. He took another long drink, finishing his drink. "I'm off to bed again. Sleep well." He bowed his head slightly and returned to his room above. I walked back to my makeshift cot where I downed the elixir Vesemir had given me. Within minutes, I was asleep in total darkness.

The Boy from Rivia and the Girl from Oxenfurt Where stories live. Discover now