Dinner talk

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[Arriving home, Mario and Luigi hang up their hats and enter their family's dining room.]


MARIO & LUIGI: Hey-yo!

UNCLE TONY: Oh-ho, it's the Super Mario Brothers from the TV!

[Uncle Tony, Uncle Arthur, and Grandpa laugh]

UNCLE ARTHUR: They give an Oscar for worst actors?

AUNT MARIE: Hey! (smacks him on the head)

UNCLE ARTHUR: What'd I do?!

MARIO: (chuckles) So, uh... So everybody saw the commercial, then?

UNCLE TONY: Uh-huh. We've seen it. (winks to Uncle Arthur)


UNCLE ARTHUR: I wouldn't quit your day job.

UNCLE TONY: Oops! He already did.

[Uncle Tony, Uncle Arthur, and Mario and Luigi's grandfather laugh again]

MARIO & LUIGI'S MOTHER: Well, I thought it was incredible. It belongs in a movie theater.

[Mario and Luigi's dad puts spaghetti with mushrooms onto Mario's plate.]

MARIO: Ugh, mushrooms?!

MARIO & LUIGI'S FATHER: Everybody loves mushrooms, right?

LUIGI: I like mushrooms, I'll take it!


As the family chatters, Delilah rushes in.

Family except papa: Hey-oh!

Delilah: Hey-oh.

Papa Mario: you're late again Delilah!

Delilah: sorry, work was really busy.

Papa: uh huh.

He knows what she's been doing and is going to put a stop to it.

UNCLE TONY: Mario, seriously. What were your thinkin' with that commercial?

[Mario begins placing his mushrooms onto Luigi's plate.]

MARIO: (as he places mushrooms on Luigi's plate) What? It's supposed to be funny.

LUIGI: Can someone pass the bread?

UNCLE TONY: Yeah, but... What's with the outfits? Plumbers wearin' white gloves?

MARIO: That's right. You gotta have a trademark. Gotta stand out.

MARIO & LUIGI'S MOTHER: Don't listen to them. The world laughed at Da Vinci, too.

LUIGI: Mm, I'm not sure they did, Ma.

MARIO: Dad... What did you think?

MARIO & LUIGI'S FATHER: I think you're nuts. You don't quit a steady job for some crazy dream. And the worst part? You're bringing your brother down with you.

MARIO: (grimly) Well thanks, Dad. (leaves the table) Thanks for your 'support'.

[The family looks at Mario and Luigi's dad.]


The family stays quiet for a moment until Delilah asks:

Delilah: why are you so hard on him? He's just trying to make you proud.

Papa: Delilah, this is not your argument. You are no better you know that? You with your silly violin, you're not going anywhere with that.

Delilah: at least I'm making people happy! But I guess you don't care about that!

That did it for papa. He grabbed Delilah's violin and took it to his room and locked it up so she wouldn't play it again.

Papa: there! All taken care of. You don't need that piece of junk anymore. You need to start taking responsibility and earn your money.

Delilah sat in silence for a minute, then left.

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