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(the nanny was personally cleared and hired by Manjiro himself so Hiroyuki's safety was guaranteed. But Haruchiyo's trust issue wouldn't let her live so that is why he killed her)

You continued walking into the elevator while carrying your three-year-old son. "Mama's work." Hiroyuki was beaming with joy. "Where Papa?" He turned to you, eyes brightening up with curiosity. "Papa is busy today, Hiro."

"Hiro wants Papa.." the pink-haired toddler sulked, puffing up his cheeks. You patted his small back, grinning reassuringly, "But that's a good thing, Hiro. Because today is Papa's birthday!"

"Birthday? Cake and chocolates?!" The moment Hiroyuki heard the word, his eyes sparkled with excitement again. You nodded your head eagerly, "Mama bought Papa a real awesome present and delicious cake! So promise Mama, Hiro will be a good boy today, okay?"

"Okay! Hiro loves Mama and Papa." Hiroyuki nuzzled his cheek with yours. Your heart melted as you affectionately hugged your only son.

It had been an amazing life journey, raising a peculiar child like Hiroyuki. Everyday, you were greeted with another surprise to the point it became a norm to see Hiroyuki doing something that could be labelled as atypical.

But like other kids, Hiroyuki threw tantrums, woke you and Haruchiyo up late at night when he had nightmare. He did everything other kids would do. He was still like other kids, just more special than them.

"Mama love Hiro a lot too." You professed your affection for Hiroyuki back. The elevator arrived at the specific floor you chose and the door automatically opened. Walking out of the cold metal room, Hiroyuki was awestruck. Tons of dangerous-looking men were crowding the floor.

The men stepped away to make path for you to walk. They bowed down when you walked in front of them. All subordinates in Bonten treated you like one of their high-ranked executives. It wasn't an option, it was a must.

You were, after all, the wife of their Vice President.

"Good day, (Y/n)-sama."

"Morning, Sato-kun. Seems like you are doing well today. No more upset stomach?"

"Y-Yes, Ma'am. The herbs you recommended work well. Thank you for that!"

"It's not a big deal, really. I'm just relieved to see you all healthy again."

You humbly talked to one of the subordinates named Sato.

Due to your friendliness and kindness, majority of the underlings adored you. It wasn't hard to approach you. Ever since you started working here, you were quick to get along with the workers despite all of them being men.

"Mama! Look, look! Shiny and sparkly." Hiroyuki suddenly pointed to Sato's gun which was actually hidden behind his blazer. Sato panicked and tried to hide the gun from the toddler's sight.

"Like Papa's bang bang." Hiroyuki joyfully told you. Sato felt more anxious. He hastily bowed down and apologized, "My apology for my carelessness! I never mean to expose the gun to the Young Master-"

"Oh, it's fine, it's fine. My son here is used to it. See? He isn't scared in the slightest bit." You quickly pardoned Sato. The man raised up his head and looked your son in disbelief because you were speaking the truth.

"I have to excuse myself now. Got some work to do. Byebye, Sato-kun. Work hard, everyone!" Excusing yourself, you walked away from the underlings. Hiroyuki wouldn't stop bombarding you with his impossible request.

"Mama, Hiro wants a bang-bang too."

"Wait until you are older, sweetie. Then you can have your own bang-bang."

Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo SanzuHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin