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Jasmin De Jesus a sacristan church girl, living at the age of 18. She had her own house and living independent, working in the morning at famous restaurant as a assistant of chef by workdays, at Saturday and Sunday she's serving words and wisdom for God. She's a collage student and her dream is to be a national famous chef. She's also known as a Rose Mary Girl at the university.

Christian kiv Vilouwie a soon to be c.e.o of his father company, living life like a dream of everyone. He had his own mansion at the young age, however he have no maid nor guards, he doesn't like to be served nor serve. He's independent. He's clearly not working by some underrated organization, he had his own business and that is a famous clothing store. He's not a believer of God but he respect those people who believe in God. The reason of him became a non-believer is his own father who always told him that "God don't define our future, but us." his father makes him believe that however it's a such relief that he respect those believer. He's dream is to be a famous fashion designer but at his family status he have to follow his fathers footsteps. He's also known as a campus heartthrob and bad boy.

What will happen if a non-believer of God meet a sacristan church girl?.

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Hallur! Is everyone doing fine? Like school year almost done! Yehey a-uh I-I mean so sad haha.... I'm not gonna see my previous classmate the next school year (Hope so^-<).

Btw I dunno if I can update that fast, yk I'm not bringing my phone at school because I probably gonna lose em (short-term memory be like). So Imma just write some scene at my notebook and write it here when I got home hehe.

I hope you enjoy this chapter or should I say introduction... o_o. Later agin mah mintchie ^3^. I call y'all mintchie c-cuz I really love mint flavor so mintchie is mint so as you h-hehe 0_<. Y-you get it? >_-, A-Ahm nevermind.

Stay happy, smile always, be positive (>-<) (except at some kind of covid and serious sickness)


Your sunny author

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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