Chapter 16

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"Here you go Baby," North said as Axel and Corey helped her sit down at the table. "Try and see if this helps any. If not it's okay we can try something else."

She looked down at the avocado toast and smiled softly, "thank you."

"What wrong with Mommy?" Fae asked curiously.

"I just have an upset stomach from Daddy Sean taking me off some medicine," Celeste smiled softly at her. "It happens sometimes, I'm fine I promise, I just have to take it easy for a bit while my body gets used to not having that medicine anymore, that's all."

"Okay," Fae smiled then went back to eating.

"Mommy and I will take you to school today, Little One," Sean winked at Fae. "I need to take Mommy in and have some bloodwork done just to make sure she's not getting sick."

"I'll pick you up after school," Brandon said standing to put his plate in the sink.

"On the bike?" Fae asked excitedly.

"If you want Pumpkin," Brandon smirked. "You'll have to go change though, you know the rules, no shorts or dresses while riding my or Daddy North's bikes."

"After you eat," North said pointing back to her plate when she jumped up. "And no rushing either, you have plenty of time."

"Okay," she said sitting back down.

"I'll come see how you are doing at lunch, Babe," Brandon said kissing her forehead. "Don't have too much fun without me."

"Hardly," she yawned, "I'm ready for a nap. It's ridiculous."

"You can nap after I make sure you are okay," Sean said patting her knee. "For now, try and take a couple of bites."

She could have sworn she heard North sigh in relief when she managed to eat a whole slice of toast with avocado and keep it down. She didn't want to push it, so she pushed the plate away and sipped on her water. North raised an eyebrow making her shake her head.

"Go get changed, Fae," Celeste said as she stood, "I'm going to go get dressed."

"Okay Mommy," Fae rushed out of the room, making Celeste chuckle.

"Take your time, Pookie," Sean said as he sat his cup of coffee down. "Fae still has plenty of time before she has class."

Celeste nodded and headed to her room. She entered the closet and sighed when she spotted her old maternity clothes in the back.

"I can have Gabe remove them if you aren't ready to look at them again." She turned to see Kota standing in the doorway. "Do I need to?"

"I don't know," she said turning to look back at the shirts hanging up. "It's logical to already have them here but it might be too soon too. I don't want to get my hopes up again, Dakota."

"How about this," he said pushing off the doorframe and walked up behind her. He wrapped his arm around her chest and kissed her hair. "What if I have Gabe take them out of here but store them in one of the spare closets for if you change your mind later?"

"You're a genius," she smiled as she leaned into his hold. They stood there for a minute and she sighed softly. "I missed this so much..."

"We did too," he whispered back. "I'm so sorry we didn't realize what was happening sooner."

"I'm sorry I couldn't explain better," she whispered. "Aunt Lilly said it was supposed to happen so we could communicate better."

"I suppose so," Kota said kissing her hair again. "Come on, let's get you dressed. I'm sure Little One and Doc are just about ready by now."

"I don't have the energy," she shook her head. "Just find a book on how to teleport me."

Kota chuckled and grabbed a shirt off the hanger. She shook her head, and he grabbed another one but she shook her head again. "How about I just go get Gabe for you?"

"Okay," She yawned then went to sit on the bed. "I'll just lay here and wait for him." She laid back and closed her eyes. She heard someone walk into her room but she was too tired to open her eyes, besides from the smell of oranges she knew it was Gabe and he was finding comfortable clothes for her.

"Sit up, Trouble," Gabe chuckled as he pulled on her arms.

"Too tired," she pouted.

"Alright, work with me and I'll fucking have someone else take Little One to school so you can get a quick damn cat nap in before going to see Doc, kay?"

She hummed and sat up then raised her arms. He chuckled and quickly changed her shirt before sliding Silas' shirt on from the ocean scent that suddenly surrounded her. Gabe helped her lay back down and she lifted her hips while he changed her shorts for leggings. "Hmmm, thanks Meanie," she whispered as he pulled her comforter over her.

"Just a quick cat nap," Gabe whispered kissing her head before leaving the room.

"She ready?" Sean asked as Gabe came down the stairs.

"Yeah, but she needs a fu—" Seeing Fae come out of the living room he cleared his throat, "full quick cat nap to settle her stomach. Why don't you let someone else take Little One to school and you go get the office ready for her? Someone can bring her to you when she feels better rested."

Axel pulled his car keys out of his pocket, "Come on Little One, let's get you to school."

"Okay Daddy Axel," Fae smiled as she picked up her backpack. "I ready."

An hour later Celeste woke up to someone rubbing her back, "Hey Princess, ready to go see your favorite doctor?"

"Prince," she whispered as she slowly woke up more.

"Feel better?" Victor asked as he watched her stretch and yawn before dropping her hands into her lap.

"A little," she rubbed her eyes. "Still tired though."

"Well growing a miracle is hard work," he smiled.

"I can hope," she whispered while looking at her hands.

He lifted her chin and smiled, "we can find out. Come on, let's go see our doctor."

"You'll come with me?" she asked, and he nodded, making her smile. "Okay."

"And when we're done, I'll bring you back so you can have another nap."

She climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom, "Okay."

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