Chapter 3

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Brer Bear was interviewing Chad and Jeremy near the side of Chick-a-Pin Hill.

"So, Brer Jeremy. What's gonna be yo' cookin' strat'gy?" said Brer Bear.

"To cheer on Chad because not a lot of people fancy my cooking. You should have seen Patty's face that one time I made her bangers and mash" said Jeremy.

Chad was interviewed separately about what Jeremy just said.

"That was when I realized I'd have to cook twice as hard. And to win, I'd have to call on my true love. Music!" he said.

On the official set, he said to Jeremy and Brer Bear, "To win this contest, I'll create a symphony of flavor by harmonizing the tastes and using the music of my cooking."

"Great idea!" said Jeremy. 

"You has no idea wut he's talkin' bout. Do ya?" said Brer Bear.

"Goodness no!" Jeremy giggled.

Brer Rabbit talked to Patty and Brer Fox on the other side of Chick-a-Pin Hill.

"Sis Patty and Brer Fox. Wut's yo' game plan fo' yo' meal plan?" said Brer Rabbit.

"Let's try a beef Wellington" said Patty.

"I'd be mighty impressed if you can make dat outta gray meat, black tomatas an' a fish dat looks like Chief O'Hara" said Brer Fox.

"Oh, I don't know how to cook it. I just know how to order it" said Patty.

"Uh-oh, Brer Fox! Looks like yo' pa'tna's skills is limited ter op'nin' a menu an' makin' a phone call" said Brer Rabbit.

"Sis Patty, if ya can't cook, why'd you wanna be in a cookin' competition?" said Brer Fox.

"Because I'm famous and I like being on camera. Besides, I can spooze up the Briar Patch to make it look like a five-star restaurant. Ambiance is everything. Or as the French like to say, ambiance" said Patty.

No one was amused at that statement.

"Ooh! Diss is gettin' good! Will Brer Fox freak out about not havin' a menu yet? Will de presha get to 'im? Iz you gonna crack, Brer Fox? Crack! Crack! Crack!" said Brer Rabbit.

"Brer Rabbit, enuff wit de questions, okay? Stop grillin' us!" said Brer Fox.

When he was interviewed about this...

"Dat's wen it hit me! Anythin' tastes good charred an' slatha-ed in my special barbecue sauce! 'speshly wen I uses de secret ingredient. Jelly!" said Brer Fox.

In the kitchen... 

"With only three hours left, our teams continue to prepare. So, Chad, why don't you explain to us what you're doing" said Burt.

"I'm trying to syncopate the rhythm of my cooking by harmonizing the ingredients" said Chad.

Burt didn't understand a word he said. "Sorry I asked."

"Wut he's doin's gettin' reddy ter lose! He goin' down like a bad souffle!" said Brer Fox.

"Or as the French like to say... souffle!" said Patty. 

Burt approached Brer Vulture outside the kitchen.

"Let's check in with our "celebrity" judge. Brer Vulture. First your buddies insult your cooking, and now you find yourself judging theirs. Tell us what's on your mind" said Burt.

"I tink de roadkill I eats is gonna be betta den diss" said Brer Vulture. 

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